Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Signs and Wonders

As we prepare for our trip to Israel at the beginning of next year, I have a building sense of anticipation...but for what? Each day I study the language and the culture and history and find myself questioning: Is it the land? Is it the people? Why do they call this the Holy Land? What is the significance and for than matter, what is my significance in traveling thousands of miles to find out?

And as I ask silly questions, God waits patiently and reveals. In my Hebrew alphabet studies, I came across the letter ot (אוֹת), which literally means letter, but more specifically is translated as Sign or Wonder. So what I'm reading into this is that the very letters and words created spoken into existence by The Creator, which have then been lived out in this land and by these people since...the beginning,.are Signs and Wonders.

Now that's something I can get exicited about wanting to be immersed in, to dwell in. Something most certainly worthy of a trip!

The land is holy, and the people are special, not because of anything they've achieved, but because God spoke them into existence that way. It is God who brought the two together - He is the Holy One and so my excitement stems from learning more of and experiencing Him in the place where His Signs and wonders began and continue.

Let the letter ot (אוֹת) of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Your sight, Oh Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 19