Friday, December 20, 2013

12-18-2013 The New Advent

As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, "Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age?" And Jesus answered them, "See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.”                      Matthew 24:3-8

Lord, in years past You’ve inspired me to study the word Advent. Now it seems You are stirring fresh interest in the term.

Advent, from the Latin Adventus, means coming. But actually that’s a loose translation, is it not, Rabbi? The term is expectant, waiting, anticipating an event or arrival that has not yet happened. As if smelling rain in the air long before feeling the drops; or getting an announcement of an upcoming party held by someone with a reputation for holding great celebrations (an event I would surely not miss and one I’d want to prepare for properly). Advent might even be, say, a special someone who somehow knows there is trouble ahead. Maybe this certain person with foreknowledge of pending tragedy takes it upon Himself to intervene, willingly offering a very personal sacrifice in place of others’, to avoid greater suffering.

…Yeah, I know…that last example is a reach…who would actually do such a thing?
To me neither Christmas, nor Resurrection Day, would be complete without their preceding advents. And yet, those advents are best understood after Your birth and after Your victory over death. It’s so easy to look back, exclaiming, “Oh, I see, all those events, the prophesies, the historical heritage of Your people, the cultural nuances; they all pointed like a laser to the greatest story ever told. But if so, why did so many ignore Your walk on Earth? Why did those who should have understood the signs and wonders best, participate in Your crucifixion?

These disturbing questions cause one more to prick my consciousness. Creator of all things, what New Advent events are occurring now? I’ve studied and have understood for some time now that Your objective has always been to redeem this broken world, but now I’m realizing You’re not through with Your advent-urous planning. Could it be that right now, not in some distant hazy future, before our eyes that do not see and our ears that do not hear; You are unveiling a New Advent?
Savior , what would that mean to my way of life and my way of worship? Just because I can’t know the exact time of Your return doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be watching for the heralds of Your  New Advent. Actually, I’m told by Your word to be “alert and sober-minded” about all things spiritual, including Your second coming. What signs and wonders am I ignoring? What invitation messages might You be sending out for Your big event? How can I best prepare the way of You, Lord?

Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven
Some might say it doesn’t matter, that all is fixed and we believers have no risk as You approach, we can just show up to the party and all will be well. But is that so? I read of virgins being lackadaisical and missing the Bridegroom’s return and of a Wedding feast where one man is booted from the party for being inappropriately dressed for the occasion. Do these parables suggest that we may be too casual about Your plan? Are there implications if we are ill-prepared for Your glorious appearance to call the saints to You? Are we doing enough to testify about the greatest sorrow of all; that of missing the party all together? Are we effective communicating the terrible consequences of being permanently excluded from God’s soon-coming Kingdom. Has my personal witness helped or hindered Your Truth from creating fruit in others?
Adonai, I pray during this season that celebrates the First Advent, that You help us learn to be vigilant for a New and greater Advent, when You join with Your people once again to claim Your Kingdom here on Earth. Let us be watchful and understand in advance, how You would have us best prepare the way!

Merry Advent
Mark C.
Christmas 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Simple Defense

The law of the LORD is perfect,
reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple; the precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; 
the commandment of the LORD is pure,
enlightening the eyes; 
the fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the LORD are true, and righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb. Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.      
Psalm 19:7-11 

Lord, You are allowing two good friends to teach me an incredible lesson from two perspectives this week. Thank You.

My one friend, someone I consider a very capable and diligent studier of Your Word, is searching for evidence that you, Jesus command us to worship You. He can’t find the words that, to him, instruct us to do any more than follow Your example of feeding the poor, caring for the orphans the widows and the sick. My friend’s suggestion is that ours is to be a servant role to the nations—performing acts of provision and mercy—and that by following Your example, Your kingdom is ours to claim.

When he posed this to me, my inner being shook with fear. You’ve heard my prayers on this question:

1.      Could it be a fact that You, Jesus do not scripturally (in Your own “Red Letter Bible” words) require us to recognize you as Lord and Savior?
2.      If not, then what is our purpose and by whose authority do we go forth?
3.      To obtain the Kingdom of heaven, is all we need to do is to perform noble works?
4.      Do command us to submit to You as our King? Am I Biblically capable of defending that position using only Your words from scripture?
5.      How do I walk with my friend down the path of this exploration so that we can both learn and grow as You, our God and Spiritual Counselor, would have us do?

Immediately Adonai, you inspired me to go to Your sword, the Word, to cut through the confusion, identifying scripture addressing Your kingship. That was the easy part—Old and New Testament alike abound with references to worship of the Messiah as the Son of the Most high.

And there is Your personal statement at the end of the Gospel of Matthew where You inform us that, “All authority on heaven and earth have been given to me.” This proclamation is a little tricky. because You don’t come right out and say, “obey me.” I have to recognize Your authority and it’s then up to me to bow down (or not bow down) to my Superior.

My friend seems to be asking You to make things more clear—to say to us, “I declare myself your King. Worship me.” That’s what any of us mere humans would require if we were given all authority. But not You. You want something more from us, and that’s where my other friend’s response to this puzzle is so amazing!
She is a new believer, fresh in her realization of Your love and sacrifice for her. Upon hearing my first friend’s query, this woman of God stated, “Are you kidding? Now that I realize what Jesus has done for me and seeing Him work in my life, how can I not fall down on my knees and worship Him as my God?”

All my studies, all my clever arguments and scriptural references couldn’t match up to the power of this humble statement of faith. You spoke through her to me and to us all, Lord. You didn’t have to order me to do anything. I can’t purchase salvation or a kingdom house by my good intentions. You’ve done the heavy lifting for me—for all of us. So I’m convicted by Your sacrifice, not by Your power. It’s the beginning of a beautiful relationship where I have to choose to worship and serve, not due to fear or obligation, but for desire; not as a requirement, but for hunger to be in relationship with You.

Once I am in a right relationship with You—vassal to Lord— then, not before, comes a very specific command. I’m to go out and “do”. The fruit of my servant relationship with You will be the care of widows and orphans, the clothing of the poor, the visiting of prisoners, the loving of my neighbor and my enemy as I would have them love me. How much simpler can it get?

Some might say, Lord that we can serve this way without worshiping You. That other religions and cultures perform good deeds just as well, or better than we Christ Followers do. Who am I to argue? All I know is what I see—a corrupt world, some of us doing little good and all of us doing a lot of not so good…no, let me call my actions what they are…selfishly based acts. We may look all clean and pretty on the outside, but You know the truth of our hearts:

Not one is righteous in Your sight

I’m told by Your word that my fruit is not a measurement of my nobility, but evidence of my faith – that’s all. I can’t do enough; My life can only be a witness to what has been done for me.

I know my friends to be strong believers, Master. They and I recognize You for who You are, regardless of whether or not You command obedience. I am concerned only that we, Your followers, share the total message You have given us to take to the world: How beautiful is Your love—all You long for is our completed love in You. And seeing that love in action—Your sacrifice for all of us, seeing You work in my life—how can we (how can I) not fall down and worship You as God?”

Mark C.

Monday, September 9, 2013

9-8-2013 Individually Together


      “Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is the log in your own eye?
      "You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.”       Matthew 7:3-5

      Lord, I was listening to a friend the other day speaking about another person’s inability to forgive them. I asked my friend, “Have you forgiven them?”
The answer was simple, “I told them I was sorry.” Then my friend went on to explain their frustration with fact that the other person’s behavior didn't change after the apology.
      That’s my problem too, Adonai―I expect my behavior and actions, good or bad, to influence others. What’s more, I  expect that when I’m working on Your behalf―doing what I believe You want me to be doing―others will somehow be transformed/convicted into behaving and acting as I believe they should. At least that’s the way I’d like things to be.
      You my God seem to have another approach. From the beginning, You created us separated―individual―each to choose our own personal relationship with You. You also created partners for us, those who share (by choice, intimately or distantly) this magnificent gift of life. Each must choose, each must face the consequences―no one can do that for another.
      In my conversation with my friend, I explained a recent epiphany You’ve share with me. It seems that as I comb the scriptures, I find copious chapters and verses that, when taken to heart and obeyed in practice; change/fix me to the better―Your better. On the other hand, in all my searches of Your word, I have yet to find a single verse I can use to fix another person’s issues.
      The irony of course Master is that I certainly may be an instrument used to identify a character flaw, social or spiritual conflict that I see affecting another; I can offer prayer, personal support and scriptural references to help my fellow man or woman work through any conflict. I can even invite another to consider accepting You as their Lord and Savior. 
      But in everyday life, just as in eternal life, Conviction Conversations are between You and each individual.  It’s Your Spirit that is the change agent. You are the One who reshapes lives and moves people.
      Yet even You choose not to make someone believe in Your righteousness and sovereignty, so who am I to attempt such a thing on Your behalf? There is only one who has a choice in that matter―the individual.      
      Holy Spirit―Kodesh Ruach, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord―even in this. It is individual, but we have chosen together. And together we invite and offer to share. Now comes the challenge: Teach us all how to seek Your kingdom―each one in unity with the others―willingly coming individually to become a body of one in You!

Blessings through the Days of Awe,

Mark C.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

8-11-2013 DenomiNations

From these the coastland peoples spread in their lands, each with his own language, by their clans, in their nations.        Genesis 10:5 

For the LORD your God will bless you, as he promised you, and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow, and you shall rule over many nations, but they shall not rule over you.  Deuteronomy 15:6 

It shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and it shall be lifted up above the hills; and peoples shall flow to it, and many nations shall come, and say: "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob, that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths." For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.  
Micah 4:1-2

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.       Revelation 22:1-2
            I’ve been reading about how we, the nations, have been scattered throughout the world, Lord and I can’t seem to shake the feeling that I’m out of step. My uneasiness stems from an observation of the world’s divisional tendencies; whether a favorite sports team or a political persuasion, an ethnic preference or even…a church or religious institution.
            As I scan scripture, I find at least 327 references to “nations” and Your relationship with them in the Bible. That number of verses centering on one issue, place the subject into the “pay attention and learn” category: And so I obey.
            First I find that there are two major separations regarding nations: Them and us. The question is who “we” are and who are “they”. This one is easy. We are God’s chosen; they are not.  Wait…what did I just say―that was easy? Not at all! In fact, Lord, I now have to go back and define God’s chosen―Israel.
            Hold on a second, I’m not a Jew, and if I’m not a Jew, then…am I chosen? Oh yeah, I’m grafted in. But…grafted into what? It seems to be getting more complicated, Adonai, please clarify: You say that by Your blood sacrifice and resurrection, I’m offered eternal salvation becoming one with You and “in” You. But You’re the God of the Israelites and You commanded Israelites to be all about Your land and Your covenants. You have said the land of Israel is the inheritance of the Jews and so…shouldn’t I be all about Your land and covenants?
Oh, that’s right, I’m freed from that because of the New Covenant, right? Uh, no it appears that the other covenants are not extinguished by the New C; the New C simply finalizes the set. So, I’m still, as a Born Again Believer; not only Your child, but also a servant as defined by a specific connecting thread. You said the land of Israel is where we shall gather; any nation who blesses Israel will be blessed; anyone who curses Israel…?
There’s plenty of scripture that consistently backs up this concept and I’m certainly not going to get into a quoting contest with You, Master of text. But I do ask You to help me understand something―It appears that, at this moment in time, even the government and the people of Israel are not ­all about Israel. They too appear to be wrapped up more in their favorite sports teams, political persuasions, ethnic preferences and even…their church or religious institutions. As someone who lives in a distant land―someone who longs to live within and love the land of my inheritance―how can I share with You, other believers and with my Jewish kin; Your desire for a united people within a united kingdom while here on Earth? Am I to be more about Israel than Israel? Is that what You are asking of Your children?
Maybe I’m getting too worried about my future rather than trying to live out my “now”. Or is this the time when all of us should be living as You have asked us to―teaching and baptizing all nations, instructing them and living out by example all the commandments You have given us? As part of my national heritage, it would seem that I have a responsibility once again, to follow Your footstep example— as when You walked the earth. You spoke often and clearly about the land of Israel. You pointed the nations to Abraham and to the coming age when all would be gathered—not each to their own country, but all to one place—to Your place, Zion. Jerusalem.
Were Your words all metaphorical, Lord? Is there any or all of Your text that I should read literally? Shouldn’t I be committed to—praying about, supporting and familiarizing myself with that place where I will someday dwell with You?
I believe all of what You have given us in Your instructions to be literal, all pressing and all important for all Your people, Lord. I believe it because You repeated it in word and by example, over and over again and I want to be obedient to Your ways.
Yet my question still stands, how can we, as Your children unite concerning our heritage when many of those I observe in Your body of believers seem to have no problem with the condition of Israel and the decay of its people’s focus toward You? How can I help shift the paradigm of awareness when few seem motivated to change?
Adonai, I pray for inspiration: please show me, show all of us how we as separate nations will be gathered as described in the writings of Micah and Revelation. King of kings, encourage and direct us in our commonality as one body, focused on going up to Your mountain, to the house of the God of Jacob, that You may teach us Your ways, that we may walk in Your paths.

Anxious for more teaching from You,

Mark C.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

6-23-2013 Border Security

 “Give ear, and hear my voice; give attention, and hear my speech.
      Does he who plows for sowing plow continually? Does he continually open and harrow his ground? When he has leveled its surface, does he not scatter dill, sow cumin, and put in wheat in rows and barley in its proper place, and emmer as the border?
      For he is rightly instructed; his God teaches him.”    

Isaiah 28:23-26

El Shaddai, this passage speaks to me today because of the turmoil regarding the land in which I live and also the struggle in Your land―Israel. The two countries and their issues appear different on the surface, but as I consider more deeply I see striking similarities.

Here in the United States, a debate rages as to whom, rights and privileges should be delegated. Who in the country has rights? Who is the administrator of those rights and based on our founding documents, what latitude do they possess in determining the scope of said blessings/benefits?

In Israel a similar question persists. Who is the possessor of the land and its benefits? By what rights do they possess, by whose authority do they claim ownership and what documents /history support these claims?
The beliefs and arguments of opposing factions suggest that neither country, nor its occupants will quickly resolve their differences. I could easily be discouraged by what I believe to be an erosion of foundational positions that will cause both my country and Your Land to forget and abandon their origins.

But that would not be taking into account, the power of the pinnacle factor that our countries share. That factor is You. Master, there will be those who will read these words and cry foul. “No fair, bringing the god factor into this argument. What about those of us who don’t believe any god has a dog in this fight?”

I would not argue with those people―they have chosen, and so have I. As for me and my house, we will serve You, YHWH. Argument between believers and non-believers on this point is moot, yet it is the determining factor of my life’s choices. All of my decision from that first decision―to believe in, worship and obey You―determine all of my other decisions.

So that, when I hear a Jew say, “I am a Jew by culture, belief in YHWH is not necessary for me to claim my birthright as a citizen,” my mind gets caught in a question, “Being born, makes one human, possibly even allows citizenship according to manmade laws in certain countries, but does it give someone a cultural/ historical right to claim a title that You God bestowed on a people who chose consciously to believe in and honor You?”

The question ironically speaks as loudly to me in this country. Our foundation includes a declaration that recognizes You as our Creator. Yet, I’m told not to bring my religious baggage to the table even though we revere a constitution which states loudly; belief in God will not be influenced, inhibited or obstructed by the laws of the land. So the question for me becomes, “How can I be a true citizen of a country that claims a Creator, but does not allow the belief in that Creator to be expressed and lived out in the course of everyday events?  

Lord I’m not a farmer, but I did marry a farmer’s daughter. And having to some degree helped out on the farm, I understand the Isaiah passage listed in the beginning of this blog prayer from a different perspective.
Each crop that is planted on a plot of land has a place and a purpose. Some of the seeds are not only to grown to feed the planter, but also to guard the other crops from weeds; some enrich the soil to support other crops and some create a border to define the land as You, God ordain.  

Adonai, your Word surrounds me and protects my borders―I am Yours to command regardless of other’s approval or disapproval. Those who share the place which You have blessed us to reside serve a purpose as well, whether the purpose is known to them or not: It is Your purpose and Your plan. Your desire and Your judgment based on our obedience or our rebellion.

Therefore, I pray for Your purpose and plan Lord to be done. I pray that You continue as You always have to make You presence and Your will crystal clear to all the inhabitants of the land, through Your Word and Your Spirit. I pray also that You continue to speak to, dwell with and strengthen me and all who recognize You―emboldening us to be a blessings of light and salt to our neighbors and the world.

Lord I also pray the same for Israel which I consider my true home. I ask that You continue to work in the hearts of all Your people to help bring about Your ultimate plan of a Kingdom where Your infinite glory, holiness and loving kindness are the only boundaries―the definition of our house, our land, our lives in You.

Mark C.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

5-16-2013 Unexpected Joy

Dome of the Church of the Annunciation
And Mary said, "My soul magnifies the Lord,
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant.
For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed;
for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name.
Luke 1:46-49

Lord, in my mind I’m back in The Land, and I’m reminded of Nazareth; of the unexpected and the unexplained. Mary shares her thoughts with the angel when told she will be the mother of God:
“How is this to be since I am a virgin?
Besides the fact that this young girl even had the courage to engage in a one on one conversation with a celestial being, to me there is no question as to Mary’s personal concern:
“I’m a small town girl, how am I going to explain my pregnancy to my family and community?”
Stained Glass in Church of the Annunciation
            Your answer to her was to detail only what other plans You had in store – amazing things including her giving birth to a messiah for the world. You never addressed her worries. You simply asked for obedience. After all, You are God, You provide all that is necessary to accomplish Your desires. And Mary responded in a remarkable way. “I am your handmaiden (your servant) Lord, do with me as You will.”
The unexpected is Your expertise Adonai – as Mary witnessed, as I have witnessed. To the unexpected, we typically respond in very expected ways – How can this be? How can I possibly do what You’re asking me to do? Why are You asking me to do something so difficult, so different, so…unexpected?
And now, once again You are asking me to serve You in an unexpected way – one I would not have predicted. You know how Patti and I hunger to lead a group to Israel. You know our excitement regarding The Land and Your people. You have heard our prayers and seen our action. Now You reply:
Entrance to Church of the Annunciation
“I have other plans for you.”
What are You saying? Are we not obedient enough, not prepared enough, not…qualified or good enough? And suddenly I realize I have phrased my response in the negative. Instead of seeking out Your greater purpose, my temptation is to suggest You are trying to tell me, “no”, when in fact, You are saying, “There is more to this than You can possibly imagine.”
Mary comprehended this. She understood that You are a big God. I read of her understanding – even after being ostracized by her betrothed husband Joseph, she exclaimed to Elizabeth, “My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit cries out within me.” In other words, I’ve found joy in the midst of chaos.
Mary didn’t ask for the position she received. She received the position You asked her to fulfill. Can I, Lord, look beyond my selfishness to Your purpose? Can I stop trying to justify my desires because I think they are in Your best interest, and instead offer myself for whatever You request? As the angel said to Mary, “All things are possible with God.”
Door inside Church of the Annunciation depicting the  Gospel
El Shaddai, once I shared with others, our realization that our planned trip to Israel would have to be postponed; two fascinating things occurred:
First, a number of people exclaimed, “Good, because we’d like to join your journey, but it’s just not possible this year – next year looks much better.”
Second, my son called and stated he and his fiancé plan to come home from Korea to marry during the time we were to be in Israel.
            Were people saying the timing was not good, just to make us feel better? Is the timing of my son’s wedding coincidence? I believe not. You’ve known all along what plans You have for us and now that we’ve gotten out of the way, You will show us how great those plans are.
Sunrise in Bethlehem
At the time Mary sang her Magnificat, she was still condemned by her culture for her behavior and she had yet to understand or see the full extent of Your intentions. Yet she was overcome with joy. By her example I anticipate great things and now also recognize my joy in obedience.
And so we  thank You, Messiah – You have once again reveled how vast and yet personal You are; how all encompassing, yet intimate. The unexpected joy at such a time as this causes our souls to magnify You and our spirits cries out – “I am loved and ready to obey!”  

Thursday, April 25, 2013

4-25-2013 Offended

“Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you and falsely accuse you of all kinds of evil because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
                     Matthew 5:11-12

Lord, I have to admit, I should have expected this, but I simply wasn’t prepared. You’ve warned me it would happen and yet I think deep within my soul dwells a sense of naivety – I didn’t want the possibility to exist. I have discovered just how blind to the reality I’ve been.
            Several days ago, I was leaving work and greeted a person who works in another department. He is a confessed agnostic at best, viewing Your existence as only a possibility; defining Your character as removed and isolated from the day-to-day events in our lives. The concept of Your desiring interaction with us has no meaning for him.
His history with Christianity is unpleasant and this well-read skeptic appears to spend a lot of time reading and researching what he believes to be evidence of all religions’ ill effect on the world.    
Master, as You know, I’ve had numerous conversations with this young man in the past and I’ve shared my testimony with him, not pressing for conversion, but sharing, as best as I’ve been able, how You have changed my life.
            Up to this point, It’s been me answering his questions. I had a genuine hope that, in spite of whatever injury from others he has experienced in the past, maybe, just maybe I could show him how a true relationship with You (as opposed to some ceremonial ritual or declaration) can impact one individual.
            But on this particular day, the young man lashed out. “I believe You Christians actually want the rest of us to go to this hell you say exists.
            He went on to condemn me based not necessarily on my actions, but on what he claimed were the insensitive acts of an unjust God: War, famine, earthquakes, poverty, and of course on the examples of those who have committed atrocities in Your name. He went on to pronounce me guilty by association with anyone who claimed their actions to be authorized by You. Some issues he listed (the Crusades being an obvious lightning rod), I’ve had struggles with as well.
I wanted to explain to him that I know, as often happens; righteous beginnings are frequently twisted into disastrous results through mankind perverting Your intentions and desire.   I wanted to share mutual regret with him, but at that moment, he stepped over the line, “I reject a Judeo Christian God. I’m offended by you and your God who would allow such cruelty to others.”
The anger in him towards me and You was palpable. I think at that moment Adonai, I acquired a better appreciation for the persecution of the Jews and martyrs of Christianity. I felt sadness for both my adversary and myself – there would be no opportunity for exploring with one another, Your incredible loving kindness.
When the young man made his declaration, blaming the world's condition on me and You, my God, I wanted also to blame someone! Was it him? Was it those who have misrepresented You over the course of history.
Then a thought hit me. Am I indeed at fault? I need to be alert and honest from the standpoint that I do engage in actions, speak words and frequently leave things undone that adversely affect others. I don’t need to be guilty by association – I’ve got my own baggage and regrets I can easily confess.
OK, YHWH, I understand my involvement in all of this, but what got my attention was that I found myself also being offended by the young man’s accusation against You. I wanted to speak truth, into the man – that You do NOT have baggage; You instead have a plan to dispose of my baggage. You are God, not an offending party.
Then I realized that, all he was measuring You by―what most people measure You by―are the actions and inactions of Your followers.
In life, I will be the offender – it doesn’t matter, only You matter and I need to remember that. As a Christ Follower, with You completing my incomplete and pathetic efforts, I’m viewed by others through a prism of contempt, measured by a standard I can neither live up to nor escape: Only you Yeshua have measured up – and for that you were crucified!
Messiah, even in that moment of death, you offered forgiveness. I may not ever be forgiven by the young man, but the model I’ll follow is yours – I forgive him.  With Your help I'll work at not being offended – instead, I’ll strive even more to become a testimony to others of Your love as You are a testimony of love to me!
            Do I feel persecuted? Yes. It’s a strange sensation for I believe with all my heart that I am striving to better serve my fellow man as You, my God have taught me to do. I would hope that the world would recognize that desire. I would hope they’d recognize that same striving by Your people in the land of Israel and that of Your people in the land where I currently reside and in the hearts all of Your people.
Whether by choice or blindness, the world of nonbelievers doesn’t recognize it. I need to accept it is the world’s problem – not Your intent.
            I get it, Lord. It means I not only must accept persecution as a reality, but that, the more I strive to follow Your way, the more I’ll be blamed without forgiveness for both my negligent actions and for those of my fellow believers.  I’ll even be blamed and judged harshly for believing in You and for serving righteously.
So, how will You have me follow Your intent Father – show me more – how do I live ­the lifestyle; dying to self yet living for You in such a way that world is inspired rather than offended? Spirit – I understand, it is You who inspires. My role is only to obey.
Persecution appears to be increasing in Israel, here, and throughout the world toward Your people. Lord, Your will is not always easy to follow, even as you, Yeshua demonstrated on the cross. So I ask for one thing from You to help me, to help all who offend through their belief in You.
Please give us Shalom to endure.

Mark C.