Sunday, April 5, 2015

4-5-2015 Resurrection Sunday — Have to Ask.

As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.             1 Peter 2:4-5

Lord, I watch the unfolding of history, in the land of your people Israel, in my own country and throughout the world. I see persecution and accusation. I hear people demanding that all others tolerate non-Biblical positions and accept lifestyles that You command not to tolerate. I see guns, attacks and legal action aimed at Your church with the insistence that we recant our “outrageous” convictions or suffer the consequences.
And I have to ask myself:

“What would inspire someone, in the face of severe rejection, ridicule punishment and death; to continue to proclaim Your word as Truth, Your Son as Lord, You as God above all?”

This day of all days; the day that speaks of resurrection after You endured all of the above indignities, should answer that question, should it not? But I realize as I stand before the empty tomb and marvel, that many refuse to even consider the question, refuse to ponder the need and potential of a risen Savior for mankind in the first place.

No wonder the increase of indignation towards Christians and Jews; mankind does not want to be saved from itself.

If the world is blind to its depravity, how can I testify of the amazing things You have done to redeem my broken and failed life? If society would throw a politically corrected cloak over my example; treating the miracle of my rebirth as an insult, how can Your light shine through me?  
As I am confronted and challenged because of my belief, I have to remember not to become the focus point, but to point to the focus. Instead of arguing in worldly terms, I hear You whispering, “Offer your life, instead of having it be taken from you.”

So, when others would accuse me of bigotry, arcane faith and intractable theology, You suggest that I have to ask them:

“What would inspire someone, in the face of severe rejection, ridicule punishment and death; to continue to proclaim God’s word as Truth, His Son as Lord, Him as God above all?”

He is Risen Indeed!
Mark C.