Wednesday, March 9, 2016

3-9-2016 Reflection

And he began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes and be killed, and after three days rise again. And he said this plainly. And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. But turning and seeing his disciples, he rebuked Peter and said, “Get behind me, Satan! For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.”         Mark 8:31-33

Lord, You have taught me something new about reflections. When waters are calm and things are right with the world, the reflection I catch on a perfect pond is difficult to distinguish from the one casting the light. But when the wind stirs, or a stone is cast into the waters, or more so when a storm roils, the image becomes confused and misshapen. The water is still water, but something has caused turmoil.

I’ve learned an important thing: before asking what the reflection is supposed to look like, find out first what has it become, and why? Is the one casting light on the pond, throwing stones purposefully in hopes of reshaping the image? Is there another source of stirring? Could multiple influences be affecting my perception? Regardless, the reflection is not the issue, it is only a result.

I believe You are telling me by this analogy, that the same is true in the world beyond my small pond. The conflicts of societies, countries, politics, religions; are not always an indication that leaders, causes, candidates or people are the cause of the distortion. No doubt they can be, but I suspect You are always involved. You ruffle the reflection itself, warning of changing weather or of Your desire for me, for all of us, to pay attention. Your effect on the waters either calls me to examine what I am or am not doing to reflect Your purpose properly.

Currently I see this played out in the wrestling of ideas within my country. There is stout competition for new leadership and those who have presented themselves for consideration are being harangued as being radical or counter to the norm. Their rhetoric and behavior appears distorted and difficult to discern. But are they not just a stirred likeness of what casts the image? What makes them seem distorted? What are You telling all of us in these turbulent times?

My Savior and King, I have a desire to look more and more like You as I walk my faith. I want to be light to the world—a reflection of Your Light. But sometimes I receive feedback that says I am a poor representation. It was the same with Your People Israel, it was the same with Your disciples, it is the same today.

Help me Lord, heighten my senses so that I become aware of how You are actively stirring me and wanting to change me, so that I become a better reflection. Protect me from my desire to cast a selfish image on the waters. And when the reflection is again stilled, I pray that there is more of You in me to be seen by the world.

Mark C.