Saturday, February 6, 2021

2-6-2021 Who am I to you?

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.


Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

―Philippians 2:3-8

O Lord, another dream. This one particularly vivid in its message.


It actually began in the middle of a scenario. I and my wife were at a breakfast café (the location was/is not familiar to me). We walked up to the counter and sat at bar stools. A tall man (also not familiar outside of the dream), who had apparently already served us our meal at another table, laid out four or five pastries and donuts before us.


In the dream, I knew the problem. I had somehow offended the man with some offhand comment I had made at the table. I had meant the comment to be heard only by my wife, but apparently, he had overheard it as well. In the dream and now, I don’t know what the comment was. Knowing me all too well, it was probably something meant to be a harmless joke, now turned horribly wrong.


What was apparent was that while sitting at the table beforehand, I had not known the man; only his observed actions and behavior. Now he was introducing himself in a profound way.


“Please, these are all yours,” he said pointing to the desserts, implying them as complementary. Then he asked me pointedly. “Do you know me?”


I was immediately ashamed, but more than that, awed at his conduct and I knew the answer to his question. “You are a servant, obedient to your calling. You are who I strive to be. Thank you for your forgiveness.”

The dream ended, but You, Lord, were not through with my lesson. I was instantly alert and awake in that moment. Replaying the scene in my mind, I recalled other factors. The man’s countenance seemed piercing, my offense to him having been genuinely injuring and in need of healing beyond the occurrence. I was being asked to participate in that healing by seeking my own.


And I now realize that before the dream, I considered myself more like the man, than after. In reflection I am discovering the paradox of humility: As I seek to become more like You and recognize the transformation ― the work You are doing in me ― I risk becoming proud of the accomplishment, and my humility suddenly becomes arrogant in its achievement: I risk making the work mine, not Yours. And in that state of spirit, I give myself leeway to make those offhanded jokes; to behave with impunity based on my assured forgiveness by You. I judge others without recognizing that I am the one being measured.


Lord in my study of "righteousness", I have learned that the origin of the word is “a saving act.” Though You have done the saving act and forgiven me even when I still, daily (and in my dreams) offhandedly offend/injure/crucify You. I confess that I still suffer from self-righteousness. I thank You for Your convicting-revealing-redeeming Love and help in healing. I cannot save myself, only You have that power.


One other thing the dream showed me. My beautiful bride, who was by my side during the entire episode, was not questioned by the man. I appreciated her presence but realize that the message was for me. You gave the dream me, not her. And by that, I am taught yet one more thing by You. I cannot in my quest to avoid judging others, forget that each of us is judged individually by You. I cannot assume that Your judgment of my actions, works and my belief is the same as it is for others. By their fruits I can recognize them, but only You can peer into the depths of each of our hearts and convict with Your Truth. Forgive me my attempts to try doing that as well.


I do know one thing more from this lesson, only because You share it in Your Word. I know that each of us is broken in some way ― not righteous, not one of us, by our own efforts. I know that Your convicting-revealing-redeeming Love is the only balm for my healing and for the healing of anyone else. We cannot save ourselves, only You have that power.


Jesus, I pray for more of these dreams and for more of Your saving lessons, epiphanies, and grace. I pray for my heart and mind to be softened by and open to them. And I pray for the hearts and minds of all of humankind; that each, by Your saving lessons and epiphanies: in their own way discover Your Love and very personal grace.

...put off your (my) old self,
which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires...
and to put on the new self,
created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
Ephesians 4:22-24

 Let it be so,

Mark C.