Saturday, February 11, 2012

2-6-2012 Awespiration

Heart Shaped Rock at the Sea of Galilee
Master, I think I have to be careful, describing this day and these events in a conversation share not only with You, but with others who have not touched this land. I remember how the geography and political/social issues of those "Biblical" days made no sense to me as I only had a Western point of reference.

All that's changed of course, but now Your are inspiring me...Awespiring is a better find new ways to describe how the land and the people of Your earthly walk are critically connected to us today. It stands to reason after all. I didn't (until now) realize that the ancient town of Tiberias (located right on the shores of The Sea of Galilee) was famous in Your time, for mineral waters that supposedly had healing powers. People came from all over the ancient world to seek their benefits – Light-bulb moment - NO WONDER, there were so many sick people for You to heal in that three year period!
Tiberius on the Sea of Galilee

And now I've just gotten the picture in my head (having visited today) how significant a town Capernaum was. I always pictured it as a tiny burg with fishing nets strung all around - but it was a large town with influence. You lived and associated there - what a place to begin Your ministry.

Of course being here also raises more questions, such as what else You discussed with Your followers while walking the long distances between towns You were know to visit?  Is it like Your talks with me in prayer? I confess I'm a little envious of the "personal time" You put in with these folks. Then again, what's stopping those same personal moments between You and me now? Could I be the one getting in the way? Am I too lazy or too distracted by other things I "need" to do?
Boat Dock on Eastern Shore of Sea of Galilee

Maybe I need a little fishing time with You, time when You can speak to me captively and I have now other options. I pray for that Lord, and yes, I know it's a downright dangerous prayer.

Well, there will be plenty of time in the next few weeks. We have left the Galilee (weeping) and are now in thick of things, right in the heart of Jerusalem. Teacher, I am ready to focus and be consumed by the wonder of Your plan. Help me to be a light to others that they too can be changed by this journey You have gifted to me.
Mark and Patti on the shore at Chapel of the Primacy 
Let me be capable,

Mark C.

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