Monday, October 8, 2012

10-8-2012 I Don't Know

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.       Ephesians 2:10

“If you go to live in Israel, I am so totally going to come visit you,” exclaimed a wonderful surrogate daughter of ours.

“I totally want you to,” I replied. And then Elohim, I began to think, “How will all this happen?” …And so the trouble of the ‘double-minded me’ surfaces once more.

King David and Solomon had the same problem; as did Jacob and Paul. Even Joseph, when he experienced his dreams; and Your disciples – when they realized the power You had available at Your hand – started preplanning and envisioning their roles in Your kingdom. I’m guilty too of wanting to assume I know how things are going to unfold; after all, You and I agree on so much.

If that were so, if I could so easily predict Your plan; why has my life been such a roller-coaster of events, both good and bad? Why did I not foresee the obvious opportunities or heed the warning signs predicting catastrophe? Now, looking back, they seem so laser-clear to my repentant soul.

But if it had been my plan prevailing, I wouldn’t have ever recovered from my first marriage failures as a husband. I would never have experienced the rebuilding of my life, even being gifted to learn a new career using a skill set in financial planning I never believed I possessed. 

Even if I had grasped the potential of all those redeeming moments, I would not dare have predicted that I would then once again lose my career livelihood, being humbled into bowing at Your alter to admit my total dependence on Your provision.  And at that low moment, I would certainly not have, in my wildest imagination, predicted that my wife and I would be offered the opportunity to go to Israel – You very obviously providing the means (ours  being so pathetically meager). 

I guess what I’m getting at Majesty, is that I’m trying to give up on predicting future circumstances. Yet certainly I don’t want to throw the baby out with the bathwater: I hear Your calling strongly that we are to go back to The Land. I look at the headlines of strife and turmoil – even potential war in the region – and shake my head, thinking once again, “How will all this happen?”

It will happen because You have designed it to happen. It will happen when You deem it appropriate and it will be for Your glory, not mine. It will be obvious when that time and purpose is ready to be set in motion because everything will fall perfectly into place. The challenge will be to keep up with Your breathtaking intention as the groundswell of other followers will respond in words similar to our adopted daughter’s exclamation. Their hearts will shout, “I am moved by these events and by this example in ways I don’t understand and can’t explain.”

And You, as always, will amaze us by evidence of Your Spirit surging forward. In my own strange way, I’m comforted, Adonai. I don’t (and won’t) have to do any of the true “heavy lifting”.  My job will be to run as quickly as I can to keep up with You, shrugging my shoulders all the time and telling others along the way, “I don’t know how, I just know Who. I believe in the power of The One True God.”
Mark C.

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