Wednesday, November 25, 2015

11-25-2015 Comfort Food

O LORD, you have searched me and known me!
You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar.
You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways.
Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O LORD, you know it altogether.
You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it.     Psalm 139:1-6

Lord, there are so many escalating issues in the world and I’m tempted toward two ways of thinking by them.

The world has always been troubled; this is nothing more than a repetition of sad conditions. I will patiently wait for the cycle to reset itself.
           There is no hope so why not just hide from it all, curl up in my cave and watch a 
           good movie?

You have influenced me enough my God, to known that neither response is appropriate.  I am to take a stand, I am to speak out, I am to serve the needy and my family. I am to prepare for ever increasing chaos beyond what we have ever known. All these things You have instructed.
But Lord, where is my hope? Sometimes I’m just tempted to say, “Let it all be finished. Come Lord Jesus and end this mess!”
You on the other hand, have a plan that doesn’t include following my plan. Instead You tell me to be steadfast and courageous. And you give me an interesting gift to help me not freeze in my tracks from frustration and fear: The gift of comfort.
I don’t know what comfort looks like, I can’t touch it. I don’t know if my comfort somehow helps others and I can’t experience their comfort, nor can I give others my comfort. It is Yours to give, Yours to remove; mine to accept or reject…just as with all Your gifts.
There are only a few ways I can receive comfort. Some things that I perceive as comfort items indirectly inspire comfort. Some of those things, special kinds of food for example, are superficial and temporary. Other comfort items inspire me more deeply and have much longer, even eternal, effects on me. One of the greatest of these is, Your Word—food of another sort. With this food to strengthen me, I’m able to see through the turmoil. It is true comfort food that You have laid out on the table You have prepared before me. Just a few bites of the incredible feast You offer includes:

Jeremiah 33:3 Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.
Psalm_20:1  May the LORD answer you in the day of trouble! May the name of the God of Jacob protect you!
Psalm 23: ALL of it.
Matthew_11:28  Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
John_14:6  Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Revelatio 22:7 "And behold, I am coming soon. Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book."
Revelatio 22:20 He who testifies to these things says, "Surely I am coming soon." Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!

…My cup runs over, Lord. I can’t take It all in. Your instruction of love can be so overwhelming that it would be easy to ignore, looking for less convicting ways to go about my life.
Yet I’m equally tempted to rest in my comfortable bed and do nothing but munch on Your comfort food. Why not? Let the rest of the world struggle with its problems. What a life that would be.
And You give me grace when I veer toward either extreme; the true and main course being to share the feast, breaking bread with my immediate community and beyond. There is too much manna for me, You want me to invite others to join in, even if they don’t appear to be hungry; even if they claim it is not the kind of food they are accustomed to.
And there lies the hope. It’s not my hope, it’s not the world’s hope, it is Your hope with which You offer comfort to all of us.
Comforter, I am so very thankful for Your hope and comfort. Help me to appreciate both the times of rest You provide and the time for action that You require of me.

In Your hope, comfort and strength I pray,

Mark C.

Happy Thanksgiving to all

Monday, September 7, 2015

9-7-15 A Theory on Theories

By this we shall know that we are of the truth and reassure our heart before him; for whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything.
1 John 3:19-20

Gravity is a force that exists in a relationship of attraction between all things in the universe. Larger objects have more gravity, smaller have less. The closer two objects exist to one another, the greater the gravitational attraction. These are facts supported by evidence; indisputable. There is Law involved with Gravity.

The Laws of Gravity are good ones—some of the best. People support gravity. It’s easy to buy into Master, because gravity holds us accountable. Without gravity, we would float away; nothing to anchor our purpose.  Gravitational laws are sound and provable.
Such as?

On this planet: What goes up must come down…unless the force of escape is greater than the force of attraction.

I’m fine with Gravitational laws. But to You, Creator, I pose a pressing question. Where is gravity? How does it function? I can measure it and obey its constraints, yet I can’t put a piece of gravity under a microscope to watch it work. I can’t peer at gravity through a telescope. Al l I can do is observe its results. So, Lord, I confess to being a little sketchy on Gravitational theory.  
Theories are not laws. Laws require only obedience:

  If I walk off the roof of a building, I will fall like an anvil to the ground.

But regarding Gravitational theory, I have to demonstrate great confidence in something unseen:

  Because of gravity, I do not need to wear my anvil outside today.

It seems as if gravity is much like…well, like You God…

…but not exactly.

You are the force that created relationships of attraction between all things in the universe. You are the greatest attractor of all. The closer any object comes toward You, the greater the Godly attraction. This is a fact supported by evidence; indisputable. There is Law involved with God.
The laws of God are good ones—the best. Strangely people don’t always support Godly laws. It’s an odd paradox, Master, because You hold us accountable. Without You, we would float away; nothing to anchor our purpose.  Godly laws are sound and provable. Such as?

On this planet: We have fallen…unsuccessful in our attempt to escape the force of Your attraction.

I’m fine with Godly laws. But to You, Creator, I pose one more pressing question. Where are You? How do You function? I can measure and obey Your constraints, yet I can’t put a piece of You under a microscope to watch You work. I can’t peer at You through a telescope. Al l I can do is observe Your results. So, Lord, I confess to being a little sketchy on Godly theory. I even call it by another name: Faith.

Faith is not a law. Laws require only obedience:

  If I reject Your love and desire for my wellbeing. I will fall like an anvil into darkness.

But regarding Godly faith, I have to demonstrate great confidence in something unseen:

  Because of You, I do not need to fear the anvil of spiritual death. Today or any day: Not ever.

Why do I offer this weighty subject, Lord? I came across a theory recently posed by a well-known physicist who suggests: The data necessary to define a black-hole is trapped gravitationally inside the black-hole itself. So the hidden data can’t be used to define the black-hole; thus by evidence of the unobtainable information within, the black-hole is by definition…defined. (My paraphrase)

Excuse me Savior, but that one of the stupidest things I have ever heard posed by someone who is supposed to be one of the smartest beings trapped by gravity on this earth. The theory behind that theory is unprovable, unsupportable; appearing to be based on weak theory and seemingly weaker faith.

It reminds me of a time long ago, when I believed something to be a truth—that You did not exist. I set out to prove my theory and discovered that to do so, required me to build upon my unbelief with more and more unbelief: Theory supported only by more theory. There was no evidence I could find that validated my theories. The data I needed to prove my point, I found to be non-existent or totally unprovable, seemingly hidden within the black-hole of my flimsy justification and reasoning.

It took quite a while for me to realize I had never tried to test the strength of my theory by honestly pursuing the opposite position; that You do exist. Then came the real surprise.

When I started seeking You as a reality, I found more and more light shone on the possibility. There was, and is ample evidence of who You are and how You make Yourself known. You even made Yourself tangible in the form of Your son’s earthly presence and sacrifice. I began to see You (No, I have not met You in physical form, but by the increasing gravity of Your Spiritual presence). Your desire for a relationship of attraction to me drew me closer and closer to You. My understanding of Your purpose for me increased.  And so my old theory collapsed and was replaced by a very old law of life, newly and patiently revealed by the greatest Spiritual Physicist of all.

I understand that some people choose to focus, speculate on and question the darkness. It’s so easy to make up one’s own answers; no law is necessary, no results are required. But by that approach, where is the gravity? There is no purpose. Is the church’s faith so weakly founded? Do we chase You through scriptural and present day evidence as passionately as You have pursued us?

Lord, why would I or anyone choose to theorize on that which does not exist, when You offer anyone who chooses to believe in You, such a clear and non-theoretical relationship? I would love to hear any theories on that!

Mark C.

PS: To those who do not believe that the God of Creation exists, I pose one last set of questions:

If there were only one object and not two, would gravity or faith exist? Is such a concept provable? Why speculate on the unknowable? Might the question only be important in pointing to a greater truth; that we live in a universe of relationships, one to another; greater to lesser: Is the evidence disputable and if so, how?

Saturday, August 8, 2015

8-8-2015 Yes to You

But let your communication be, Yes, yes; No, no: for whatever is more than these comes of evil.                                    Matthew 5:23 AKJ 

Lord, I seek your wisdom; for this message begins as none other I have written. I pray for Your wisdom and guidance in all that follows:

For those of you joining in the reading of this conversation, I offer a link. Please do not go to the site until after you pray, as I have, over the remaining words of this blog.

You see, I have two dear friends Lord, You know them well: Tim and Tara. Tim in particular I have known and we have grown together to become absolute brothers in our faith to You. I cannot say I truly know the heart of any other person, but by my walk with these two, You have blessed me and the world they serve.

By Your design, Tim and Tara are not able to have children of their own. There is much background to this story, none of it important at this moment, other than it leading to Your putting on their hearts, a decision to adopt.

Lord here is where the rocky path begins that You have now asked my friends and I to walk together. Adoption is an expensive endeavor. My friends need funding for fulfill Your calling. Tim came to me with what seemed a simple request. “Will you work for a day at a widow’s home and ask others to sponsor you?” My response to the first part was of course, “Yes.” But to the sponsorship request, I surprised him with a, “No.”

 My God and Counselor, It has taken all of my lifetime for You to teach me the complexities of giving my Yes and No to another: How can I explain it simply in one or two pagesit may take the remainder of my life! You have pricked my heart to start a new study on this subject and here it begins (only begins).

To you others who are reading: I can’t request of you to donate to my friends because of something I do. I am not wired to ask for compensation in that way.

I will let my Yes be Yes, serving Tim and Tara and the widow Mary and as importantly the child whom now only God knows by name, because He has put it on my heart to do so.

I can’t tell you others to contribute or donate money to a cause because of me or my puny efforts. I can only tell you that, in a world where abortion is seen as convenient method to kill the innocent, a child needs two loving parents.

Tim & Tara
In that same world, a couple strives and yearns to be Your servants, Master.  Their fruit is the evidence. I am only the witness.

The only other request I can make is what I always ask of my family and my spiritual kin: Pray with me for Tim and Tara, for the widows and the orphans; Serve as God and his scripture compels. Pray for me in my efforts to serve with you and if your hearts are likewise moved as mine, visit the site above to consider this opportunity.

Lord God, bless us all in whatever ministry You call us to. Let all of our works be only to Your glory and purpose and to none other.

Mark C.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

7-19-2015 Chaos or Commission?

Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them.  And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted.  And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”                                        Matthew 28:16-20

Lord, I was struck recently with a metaphor as a group of us assisted an elderly lady in moving apartments. When I arrived on site, there was complete chaos in the room: People moving about; boxes and items piled and scattered throughout her domicile; some were leading and others following in many different directions at once.
In the middle of the congested space stood the matron, looking confused, a bit disoriented and at the same time amazed by all the activity passing her by. “I wish there was something I could do,” I heard her one time exclaim.
        I tried to speak some words of comfort to her, but that is when the picture hit me: Are we not all standing in the middle of our personal room; watching the world fly by us; asking, what am I to do?
I think of my country, one blessed in amazing ways. I’m given freedoms and welfare far beyond the understanding of most of the world’s population. Suddenly my way of life is under scrutiny, even attack. I am told I must change. I find myself looking confused, a bit disoriented and at the same time amazed by all the activity passing me by. “I wish there was something I could do,” I hear myself say.
I think of Your church, Jesus. We are so comfortable in our private space that we call, Sanctuary. Suddenly the world is changing quickly around us, but we have been too introspective to notice or care. Now we are commanded by You to move (Matthew 28:19-20) and we have no idea what we are to do in order to obey.
And I wonder if it is not just that I don’t know what to do. I’m as concerned that I may do something which will obstruct Your plan; I might even do something I’m not supposed to and therefore I freeze in fear and doubt. Perhaps Matthew 28:17 is more relevant to me than I care to admit.
 Lord, I want so much to move, but not by my own desire or fears. I realize now that I want to be moved by You. To do that, I need to know how to hear You, how to follow Your called-out directions. I need to study fully and pray over the riches of the commandments and teachings I have already been given in the treasure chest I know as Scripture. Understanding does not come simply from spontaneous desire, nor should action be a blind response of despair.
The presence of Your Spirit is demonstrated not in the chaos now closing in, but in Your commission, encouraging us to break through. The answer to the question, “What am I to do?” is the same as it has always been. You remind me that it is my response to your command that is more important.
Master, I ask for myself, for my homeland and for my spiritual family, that You give us fresh Spiritual inspiration. Help us hear Your Word and continue to teach us how to respond to You, not with a wish, but with  prayerful action; a reborn-church response to Your call of service. And as always, I pray: Father, Your will be done. Jesus, come quickly. Holy Spirit, strengthen us.
What to do? There is no doubt: Believe and obey; and teach others by Your example within me, to do the same.


Mark C.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

5-9-2015 MisDirection

These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. For people who speak thus make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. If they had been thinking of that land from which they had gone out, they would have had opportunity to return.  But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city.       Hebrews 11:13-16                                 

I used to think that we of the human race were all just traveling the same path—moving closer and closer to enlightenment and an improved relationship with You, Lord God. I had it in my mind that there were those of us who somehow came to a quicker realization than others; of Your Supremacy—that You deserve total worship. At that time I believed, or at least hoped that in the long run, we were all spiritually aware and behaviorally destined to seek You out.

Now, for certain, I’m convinced Lord, I was wrong in a big way. I was at a gathering recently where You provided circumstances (it had to be You Lord―it was so obvious) which demonstrated the two distinctive human mindsets I’ve come to realize exist.

At said meeting, one segment in this meeting was determined to identify and understand Your character. Regardless of whether they were accurate in their assessments or truly obedient to Your Truth, they were turned toward You.

The other segment at the table was comprised of those bent on extracting You from their universe equation. To them light and dark were simply elements of an accident that was created by accident. Not only were they not turned toward You, they were content with any or all directions. There was no purpose in their pursuit other than to suit the purpose of their moment by any means, embracing any trendy idea.

So I have come to realize, by the eyes and ears You have given me to use, that it is not simply a matter of strong or weak belief; even of belief or unbelief. It is a choice of direction or misdirection.

Ironic, isn’t it? This very discussion introduces a necessity to prove or disprove faith in the unseen. Amazing, Master. Once upon a time I counted myself in that secondunbelievingcamp. Because I valued my perceived freedom from You so much, I invented a world without You and it became my god. Even in midst of my denial existed the model for my healing.

And I who was compelled to disprove You, could not Even as I wanted to dismiss You, I first had to test the entirety of Your commandments. Once applied completely, followed explicitly, experienced entirely; only then could I seek flaws: To follow that course, of course, I had to first commit my faith in You!

How can one then disprove the already proven?

Even in the time of my lost condition, You had created (not by accident, but for purpose!) a plan for the fullness of time, for me and for all mankind, even for those who still invent fictional alternatives. You, not we, created the rules by which You rule. You sent Your son to love us all.

As it was for Your people Israel, it is for us now; the rules and the Rule Maker have not changed. Now it is my individual misdirection and focus which must change; from none, to One.

Adonai, Ruler of all, help us all to turn and to see. Teach us how to be Your obedient servants. As Your prayer beckons; lead us not into the temptation of false gods―errant misdirected worship―and free us from that which would replace or imply that You are not.

You have been, You are, You will always be my God.

Mark C.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

4-5-2015 Resurrection Sunday — Have to Ask.

As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.             1 Peter 2:4-5

Lord, I watch the unfolding of history, in the land of your people Israel, in my own country and throughout the world. I see persecution and accusation. I hear people demanding that all others tolerate non-Biblical positions and accept lifestyles that You command not to tolerate. I see guns, attacks and legal action aimed at Your church with the insistence that we recant our “outrageous” convictions or suffer the consequences.
And I have to ask myself:

“What would inspire someone, in the face of severe rejection, ridicule punishment and death; to continue to proclaim Your word as Truth, Your Son as Lord, You as God above all?”

This day of all days; the day that speaks of resurrection after You endured all of the above indignities, should answer that question, should it not? But I realize as I stand before the empty tomb and marvel, that many refuse to even consider the question, refuse to ponder the need and potential of a risen Savior for mankind in the first place.

No wonder the increase of indignation towards Christians and Jews; mankind does not want to be saved from itself.

If the world is blind to its depravity, how can I testify of the amazing things You have done to redeem my broken and failed life? If society would throw a politically corrected cloak over my example; treating the miracle of my rebirth as an insult, how can Your light shine through me?  
As I am confronted and challenged because of my belief, I have to remember not to become the focus point, but to point to the focus. Instead of arguing in worldly terms, I hear You whispering, “Offer your life, instead of having it be taken from you.”

So, when others would accuse me of bigotry, arcane faith and intractable theology, You suggest that I have to ask them:

“What would inspire someone, in the face of severe rejection, ridicule punishment and death; to continue to proclaim God’s word as Truth, His Son as Lord, Him as God above all?”

He is Risen Indeed!
Mark C.

Friday, March 6, 2015

3-6-2015 Crossing Borderlines

And he called them to him and said to them in parables, “How can Satan cast out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. And if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand, but is coming to an end. But no one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man. Then indeed he may plunder his house.”                                                                 Mark 3:23-27


The world is full of chatter about the plight, or the arrogance (depending on who I listen to) of the State of Israel. Some would have Your people wiped clean from the earth, while others champion the cause of Zionism. Ruler of the universe, You know where I stand on this issue. I am not reaching out for Your hand to walk with me in familiar territory. I come to ask You to lead me through the dark valley of a strange and uncomfortable place.

What disturbs me this day is the attitude of Your church. Those who should be most concerned about Your land and attacks on your people seem least concerned. It’s not just about Israel. But that beautiful place has again become the tinderbox for what I see going on in the Middle East, Eurasia, Africa…the world for that matter. Your people; Jew and Gentile alike, are being persecuted, tortured, harangued, slaughtered; and we have made it a political issue. Is this all about bureaucratic borders and ideology? Or is there something else going on that even Your bride is choosing to be blind to?

Rather than a worldly conflict (sad enough we remain docile about these abuses on that level), is this a spiritual conflict? If so, if the glaring escalation of this turmoil is a battle of choice between Your way and all other ways; then why are Your people not vocally, physically, spiritually joined together in it? Why are those who call themselves “Followers of YHWH” and “Followers of Christ” not crying out as one; demanding of governments and nations to not just verbally condemn, but to refuse such behavior rather than treat it as a religious freedom or social norm?

As important, why are we, Your people, not united in our outrage and our actions? Why do we tolerate this offence to Israel and to Your Church Body? Is such crucifixion still only a media spectacle to us, even when it involves actual members of our own worldwide community being decimated and eliminated? Are we so calloused that the cutting off of our own toe or finger (or more!) doesn't cause us to scream out and react?

In humility and considering these recent events, I come to You with a question and request, Adonai. Am I pointing fingers when I too am guilty by reason of inaction? How would You have me reach out to non-believers (inviting them by my example to worship You only) while also demonstrating intolerance toward worship of other ideologies. In other words, how in this world where all forms of strange behavior and beliefs are now “on the table, should I proclaim Your borderline in the sand?

One thing You have taught me already is not to demand of others that they must bow down to You. That is their choice and Your desire; not my duty and prerogative. I am not to be the decider of others fate or faith—no cutting off of head, burning or abusing by my hand. I am to be Your example of hope in a world of chaos.

Still, I sense more to the lesson Lord. Teach me, teach us all, not just how to stand with You, but how to move for You. Protect me from becoming corrupt in the process; such as those who claim other gods to be superior over You.
Show me how to cross over borderlines of politeness and correctness in order to become victors rather than victims. I pray it in your name Jesus,  


Mark C. 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

2-1-2015 Clean Slate

Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.                       
Hebrews 4:14-16

Perspective is such a challenging gift, Lord. If I look at things from my personal point of view, it’s very difficult to find hope for the future. If I view life through the prism of Your word, I cannot fail. Perspective can never be foreseen and yet is seldom appreciated when finally beheld. Let the following be a testimony to my appreciation:

Several months ago, I lost yet another job. The circumstances are unimportant; blame is at this point, irrelevant.  At the point of exit, I confess that I had to fight my normal impulses. I could easily have (because I’ve proven it in the past) withdrawn in self-pity or lashed out unpredictably, selfishly and blindly. It could have been all about my individual persecution; how I needed to fix things to protect my interests, my family, my way of life. It could have been all about the panic of a man way past “prime time” in the world of work, wandering without a prayer, for new opportunity.

You would have none of that, Lord. Others may scratch their heads when they hear it, but I heard You plainly, clearly—two simple words spoken to my simple mind.

“Trust, obey.”

And so began the comedy: Mark accepting a night job with a shipping company, loading boxes onto unheated trucks in the dead of winter; watching and listening, not for ways to escape, but for an opening to proclaim Your majesty. I made friends and quickly won a reputation for encouraging others and being a source of…it’s so funny…hope.

Meanwhile, hunting for other opportunities was, as always a question of questions: What is available for one such as me in this time of economic recession. What can I offer that others cannot? What can be done to avoid jumping from the proverbial frying pan (of a poorly matched work relationship) into the fire of misrepresented expectations?

“Trust, obey,” You reminded me.

Amazingly other positions became readily evident. I was surprised to find that I was in demand. Yes the pay scales were down, yes the work was different: but I began to see my options expanding; Your hope leading me.

Just when I was ready to choose, based on what I thought You were providing, You threw me a spiritual curve ball. A company I had not applied to contacted me based on my Merchant Services and sales background. Here’s the funniest part of the story, Lord: I tried to discourage their interest.
“I’m vested in my processing business. It’s not a fortune, but I will not sacrifice it to take a similar position.”

Their response: “We’re not asking you to sacrifice your sales residuals”

“I’m not interested in a sales job paying commissions only and I need benefits.”

            Their response: “We will give you what you want.”

As much as I tried to convince them of my “oddness”, the more they seemed to want a relationship. Finally I relented. Why not? All was above board. 

And that's when the fun began. Peering back at The Miracles Behind (one of my favorite images You have lent to me), I see Your presence was in all of this. There was nothing I could do wrong. All of the pieces came together and our working partnership has blossomed beyond mine and my new business partners’ wildest expectations.

I’ve been given another chance, a greater chance. Once more, my slate is wiped clean. This time I seem to have been given an upgrade to SLATE version 2.0. What do I do with this new blank page Lord? What does our walk together look like going forward?

Ha, I get it. The answer is within the question: To know the answer, I must choose to follow, not lead. And oh yes, in following, I must be ready at any moment to be once again corrected and reshaped. I don’t have any idea how long this new blessing will be sustained. I’ve learned not to care about such trivial things. What I do know is that I must continue to listen for your instruction, and when You command to Trust and Obey; whether I am or am not walking Your path well, I need to be ready for amazing things to happen, I need to be prepared for change and prepared to be changed.

In my reasoning, I go back in time to when the Israelites tried to take the lead; crafting a golden calf in an effort to give You a “new look”. When Moses discovered their attempt to redefine Your character, he broke Your instructional tablets in anger. You, in true form, rewrote the exact same commands. Pointing out Your unchanging ways, asking Your people to be ever changing, comparing ourselves to Your character, seeking ways to reflect Your beautiful plan for mankind. Patience has always been a struggle for me Lord. Forgive my belated recognition of Your patience for my benefit.

Now I see (though through my dimly reflective mirror) what Your plan has been from the onset. Whether I am in a great place as I am now, or whether I am in dire circumstances, I must be a light for others, shining not on my own circumstances, but pointing toward the only perfect solution; Trust in and Obedience to the King of the Kingdom.

Interesting, my new business partnership reminds me much of Your and my relationship – As much as I have tried to demonstrate to You, my “oddness”, the more You seem to want a relationship. You remind me through scripture and by Your own example and by the testimony of others, that Your plan is better. Whatever You have in store for me will have nothing to do with my desires, but Yours. Whatever Your desires are dwarf my puny vision. All You ask is that I be patient, trusting and obedient to the “wiping clean” of my clumsy attempts to re-write Your direction for me. Then, just as with all Your people have before me, I will better appreciate the road You have prepared for our journey together.

Lord, thank You for clean slates: For every reworked opportunity You provide; every trial and every reward used to teach me how to better Trust and Obey.

In Love and worship of You,

Mark C.