Sunday, May 10, 2015

5-9-2015 MisDirection

These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. For people who speak thus make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. If they had been thinking of that land from which they had gone out, they would have had opportunity to return.  But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city.       Hebrews 11:13-16                                 

I used to think that we of the human race were all just traveling the same path—moving closer and closer to enlightenment and an improved relationship with You, Lord God. I had it in my mind that there were those of us who somehow came to a quicker realization than others; of Your Supremacy—that You deserve total worship. At that time I believed, or at least hoped that in the long run, we were all spiritually aware and behaviorally destined to seek You out.

Now, for certain, I’m convinced Lord, I was wrong in a big way. I was at a gathering recently where You provided circumstances (it had to be You Lord―it was so obvious) which demonstrated the two distinctive human mindsets I’ve come to realize exist.

At said meeting, one segment in this meeting was determined to identify and understand Your character. Regardless of whether they were accurate in their assessments or truly obedient to Your Truth, they were turned toward You.

The other segment at the table was comprised of those bent on extracting You from their universe equation. To them light and dark were simply elements of an accident that was created by accident. Not only were they not turned toward You, they were content with any or all directions. There was no purpose in their pursuit other than to suit the purpose of their moment by any means, embracing any trendy idea.

So I have come to realize, by the eyes and ears You have given me to use, that it is not simply a matter of strong or weak belief; even of belief or unbelief. It is a choice of direction or misdirection.

Ironic, isn’t it? This very discussion introduces a necessity to prove or disprove faith in the unseen. Amazing, Master. Once upon a time I counted myself in that secondunbelievingcamp. Because I valued my perceived freedom from You so much, I invented a world without You and it became my god. Even in midst of my denial existed the model for my healing.

And I who was compelled to disprove You, could not Even as I wanted to dismiss You, I first had to test the entirety of Your commandments. Once applied completely, followed explicitly, experienced entirely; only then could I seek flaws: To follow that course, of course, I had to first commit my faith in You!

How can one then disprove the already proven?

Even in the time of my lost condition, You had created (not by accident, but for purpose!) a plan for the fullness of time, for me and for all mankind, even for those who still invent fictional alternatives. You, not we, created the rules by which You rule. You sent Your son to love us all.

As it was for Your people Israel, it is for us now; the rules and the Rule Maker have not changed. Now it is my individual misdirection and focus which must change; from none, to One.

Adonai, Ruler of all, help us all to turn and to see. Teach us how to be Your obedient servants. As Your prayer beckons; lead us not into the temptation of false gods―errant misdirected worship―and free us from that which would replace or imply that You are not.

You have been, You are, You will always be my God.

Mark C.

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