Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas 2011 - Packing up 
It’s so close! It doesn’t seem like time has passed at all since Patti and I put our prayers and commitment out to make a journey to Israel. And now everything is in place except for one last detail – packing.  What do we bring along, what do we leave behind? What will we need when we get there, what will be provided for us?
And that got me to thinking about the 400 year period between the last of the prophetic writings of the Old Testament and the New.  People were hungry for an answer to their prayers regarding the revealing of a Savior. Then, like now (for Patti and me), we try to anticipate the future of God’s plan instead of just living as He desires us to, for the moment – in awe and obedience.
Hmmm, it would be easier if it was just about stuffing a few clothes and conveniences into a suitcase, but how do I pack awe, how do I fit obedience into my “carry on?” Then it came to me. We’re not being asked to bring anything to wear or put on (Not to worry, we’ll definitely travel with a wardrobe – don’t want to make those kind of headlines!). But I perceive the need to bring along a different kind of luggage packed with some things most of us would rather leave behind, safely stowed away in our darkest closets.  It’s the kind of baggage we use in which to hide our faults and the imperfections of our humanity.
Man’s wisdom – God’s foolishness. He would have me port along all of my proverbial dirty laundry and wear it willingly on our venture. The intent is not to brag about my shortcomings, as some sort of faulty creature (though that I certainly am), but to allow the opportunity to show God’s grace in action.  Revealing this part of my wardrobe to a foreign land will also require me to bring a few other necessities along – humility, confession, repentance – things I’m tempted to leave at home on most days, things He’s now asking me to boldly share with others.
And what could possibly be gained by such an embarrassing display? Maybe, just maybe, when we arrive in The Promised Land of Israel, some people there will look past my supposed American arrogance and see something amazing underneath – the Love of my Savior, Jesus. Maybe, just maybe enough of my Master will be revealed in me that it might inspire others to share their baggage with me and ultimately with Him. Maybe.
And that brings up the subject of Christmas. “What?” You say, “What in the world does this have to do with Christmas?” Instead of just a typical Christmas letter, Patti and I would like to share a different gift . We would like to take a part of you to Israel with us. What better way to share with the world than for us to carry your specific prayers and well wishes with us? Maybe, just maybe, your prayers, yours concerns…hmmm, maybe even your confessions need to be heard and witnessed just as Peter suggested in his letters to early New Testament believers.
So, simple as that, help us share Christmas this year by emailing us back a message that you would like carried personally to the Holy Land. Whatever it may be, pray about it and send it with love – we’ll do the rest. But do it soon – we still have a lot of packing to do and we want to save plenty of room for your contributions.
In the meantime, we also want to share our gratefulness for the blessings God has bestowed on us this year. Shay is thriving in her last year at collage at UT Martin. Nate graduated from the Web Design program he was attending and immediately got a fabulous job in his preferred career.   Ash got a raise at work and now Nate and she are able to spend more time together (Yay!). Erik is coming at the end of December to visit and continues to do amazing work in Korea in his chosen field of digital public relations. We made a trip to see Patti’s folks in South Dakota and we continue to be provided for with good jobs, health and great friends.
What challenges present themselves are never above the capabilities of our God to provide solutions, including putting in our lives, all of you who have supported us in our dream to go to Israel. We give thanks to Him for our family and for you. What an amazing life He has provided for us.
May your Christmas and the New Year to come be filled with hope and good will for your family and for all who seek a greater understanding of creation and its Creator.

Mark & Patti

Sunday, December 4, 2011

             Alpha and Omega

I realize that I’m such a tiny speck in the scheme time. Especially looking at all the great accomplishments of You, my God, through the ages…Creation; the calling of Abraham and his descendants, the plan for redemption, the offer of salvation for all of mankind, the triumph of Jesus over death on our behalf…It would take me a lifetime to list out the rest. But You get the point Lord, I am in awe of You and Your LONG term, LONG Suffering love for us. No wonder I feel small, You are so infinite. 
Yet as insignificant as I am, I sense that You are placing a moment of significance in my path.  Somewhere after the Alpha, and – as far as I can predict – before the Omega; my wife and I will be jetting to Israel. I’ve asked it before and I’ll puzzle it until answered – how can I possibly serve / submit to You in the land where the acts of service and submission were first and most beautifully portrayed?
I feel a bit like a first grader being elected to stand before a graduating High School class. What can I offer?
                …The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. Psalm 19:7
And as Martin Luther once said before (supposedly) greater minds than his,”…here I stand, I can do no other.”
                Oh no, Lord, I know this is not a trial, but a privilege, don’t get me wrong – yet You’ve wired me in such a way that I am always looking for purpose.  I know. I have to trust that it is Your purpose, not mine to be defined. That’s why I come back to the wonder and comfort of Your son, The Alpha and Omega, the Beginning of it all and The End of it all – the complete perfection of Your plan.
                Which means that my purpose is already defined by my testimony – I am saved and completed by The Alpha and The Omega – Jesus my Messiah: If all I’m to do is to mouth these words, confident that they come from a place buried deeply and permanently in my heart, then… Tetelestai – my purpose is completed.
                Yes, Lord, that’s the part of the puzzle You’ve not revealed – I can mouth those words and submit in that way, right here in Franklin, Tennessee – so why does my heart burn for Israel? You know and You will reveal.  I’m not the purpose of the plan, just a tool – works for me.  Patti and I travel willingly and hopefully to this place we have dreamed of for so long – not to experience it but to become a part of the experience – Your bigger picture for Your bride, the Church. Within Your Alpha and Your Omega, we will at some point know fully our purpose, just as we are fully known.  Until then: Faith, hope and Love…and Israel!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Gather Together

11-7-11 Gather Together

In preparation for this entry, I’ve been praying about what to share with you relating to our preparations for our trip to Israel – what exciting things we plan to see, the studies we have been doing in preparation – and nothing seemed right. There wasn’t anything I could think of that we hadn’t already circulated.

Then it hit me while in a worship service yesterday. The Pastor of the congregation I was visiting mentioned that they have a group whose total function is to pray for Israel. What a concept! Here I’ve been trying to figure out Patti’s and my mission associated with our trip to the Holy Land and it’s been there in front of us the whole time! 

It’s not about what we will do when we set foot in Tel Aviv or even when we explore the wonders of the Wilderness, Jerusalem and beyond. It may or may not even be about what we do once we return from our trip. The purpose at hand, that I now believe the Spirit is pouring out, is to…

Listen and to Gather Together.

So this is me in ‘Gathering’ mode. I would ask you please to tell me…

            What personal prayers do you have that you would like to share with the people of Israel?
            What concerns would you share that we and the Jewish Nation can pray about together?
What questions would you seek to answer related to the country of Israel?
What more would you want to know of God’s plan related to the land and its people?
What more can Patti and I do to share your love and outreach to the people of Israel?

We may even be missing some questions so please pray about and respond to this blog – Our purpose is to be available; prior to; during; and after our journey to Israel: To serve as God would have us. We want to include you in that service – Gathering Together in prayer, wherever we are.  We pray also that the people of Israel will also Gather Together with us, sharing their own prayers and concerns, so that we can learn from them and create an opportunity to worship The Eternal together as God, through His Son Jesus, has shown us to do – in communion with one another.


Mark & Patti C.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blind Faith

Judaism Israel PicturesBefore Jesus healed Bartimaeus the blind beggar, he cried out repeatedly, “Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me,” even though he was told to be quiet by the crowd. The man’s confidence in Jesus – his faith in the Rabbi’s healing power – was what Jesus claimed restored his sight.
                Patti and I have too been crying out, trying not to let the critics influence us, trying not to “worry”, believing – even without knowing how or from where – the resources to allow us to travel to Israel would come. And of course, out of the unseen, God provides. We received an unexpected check from a land investment sale and it was enough to cover the remainder of our ticket costs.
                Praise You, God from whom all blessings flow! Now we only need be concerned with saving funds for travel while in the Holy Land. And isn’t that odd, I’ve already moved on to the next “worry” whose outcome I can’t see.  You’re right, Lord, I shouldn’t worry about tomorrow.  You have shown, over and over again, that You will provide exactly what we need when we need it, if we just will have faith – even a little faith will do the trick.
                Lord, I confess that there are many things I can’t see.  How do we afford to pay our bills during the journey, how is our presence in Your land going to glorify You? What is our purpose in this venture and what if we totally misread Your desire?  How much must we pay in baggage fees?? LOL Lord, I know, I know, don’t worry about tomorrow…
                So now Lord, help me to look forward to Your blessings – a great one I know awaits us when we encounter the people of Israel.  Let me be influenced and impassioned by the faith displayed in the people of the land that You first promised. Let Patti and I, and all of those who plan to experience this journey with us, be transformed by Your Spirit. Use us as Your tools, in whatever way pleases You, so that Your purpose for us is fulfilled.
                Patti and I started studying and compiling notes on references to the places we’ll be visiting – Bethlehem, The Herodian, Samaria, Mt. Gerizim, Sebastia, Shiloh, Scythopolis, Tiberius, Caesarea Maritime, Tel Meggido, Nazareth, Sepphoris, The Sea of Galilee, the Valley of the Winds & Doves, Capernaum,  Jerusalem (with ALL its historical wonders), Bethany, Tabgha, Qumran, The Dead Sea…to make things more interesting, we are also going to bring needed supplies to a struggling school and are trying to squeeze in a visit to an incredible ministry called HaYovel (translated: The Jubilee) that serves the people of Israel – Lord give us strength to take this all in!
There is so much so see and absorb – we want to offer a morning devotional with anyone on the tour (and anyone traveling with us via the blogsite), preparing for each day…how do we prepare for such wonders of Spiritual history? The key word is Spirit and we ask Lord for Your guidance as we experience Your ancient plan.
                Adonai, keep us alert to Your desire as we draw nearer to You and to Your land. Amen
PS Any of you who have questions about our journey or suggestions/prayers for our time in the Holy Land (and beyond), please contact us @  Blessings & Shalom!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Reclaiming The Land

Reclaiming the Land

Reading the prophet Jeremiah, I wonder at how the people of God could go so astray - worshiping other gods, bowing to other cultures. Even the kings of the Northern Kingdom and Judah forgot how they were brought to their great fortune. Could they not see how this would lead to their destruction? Couldn't they remember God's promise, that if they strayed from His path, their heritage would be given to others?

   And am I so different? I look at the great land in which I live - a land blessed by God and given to a people He honored because of their initial devotion to him. Look at us now. Not only are we not devoted to God, but we insist that His name cannot be mentioned, His commandments cannot be proclaimed or honored in the halls of our own government.

   I'm more anxious than ever, to visit the ancient land, to go back and see the place where God shaped and loved and offered redemption to a people undeserved. I want to experience His grace from the perspective of a place where God said a savior would be (and was) provided. A child born to be sacrificed and resurrected for a people who did not even understand their need for such a miracle.

   Maybe, just maybe, as I walk the holy land, I'll catch a vision for my own land which God has provided. Maybe, just maybe, we can all learn from the past, what God intends for our future, if only we will recognize our Savior and reclaim our love for a God who would offer so great a gift.

   Please pray with Patti and I, for a journey that will lead us all to a greater understanding of, and longing for God's love for His people and His land.

Blessings and Shalom,

Mark C.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Signs and Wonders

As we prepare for our trip to Israel at the beginning of next year, I have a building sense of anticipation...but for what? Each day I study the language and the culture and history and find myself questioning: Is it the land? Is it the people? Why do they call this the Holy Land? What is the significance and for than matter, what is my significance in traveling thousands of miles to find out?

And as I ask silly questions, God waits patiently and reveals. In my Hebrew alphabet studies, I came across the letter ot (אוֹת), which literally means letter, but more specifically is translated as Sign or Wonder. So what I'm reading into this is that the very letters and words created spoken into existence by The Creator, which have then been lived out in this land and by these people since...the beginning,.are Signs and Wonders.

Now that's something I can get exicited about wanting to be immersed in, to dwell in. Something most certainly worthy of a trip!

The land is holy, and the people are special, not because of anything they've achieved, but because God spoke them into existence that way. It is God who brought the two together - He is the Holy One and so my excitement stems from learning more of and experiencing Him in the place where His Signs and wonders began and continue.

Let the letter ot (אוֹת) of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Your sight, Oh Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 19

Monday, June 20, 2011

Got to be carefull with this - could get very, VERY immersed and forget the original purpose! To what am I referring? In preparation for our trip, I've decided to study the Hebrew language, starting with the alphabet. Quickly I'm realizing how dimensional and deep is this ancient script - like the land itself, rich with hidden meaning and value.

Isn't it interesting that, so long ago, God could inspire a a people to seek Him out and provide a language to help them in that quest. Yet today we still struggle, with our simple words, to explain our relationship with The Eternal.

Patti and I hunger to learn from the perspective of God's ancient plan, which amazingly remains unchanged yet relevant today. Our journey to Zion becomes more exciting each day. We hope you too are blessed by the discoveries along the way.

And a highway shall be there, and it shall be called the Way of Holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it. It shall belong to those who walk on the way; even if they are fools, they shall not go astray. No lion shall be there, nor shall any ravenous beast come up on it; they shall not be found there, but the redeemed shall walk there.

And the ransomed of the LORD shall return and come to Zion with singing; everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. Isa 35:8-10

Friday, May 27, 2011

In The Beginning

Interesting how making a commitment shapes your lifestyle. In order to raise the funds for our trip, we've cut back on lots of other things: Eating out, buying "stuff", going to movies... but more interesting is our efforts to sell off things we once thought crucial to us - family heirlooms, collectibles and such. These are things - just things - that we now realize are less important now that we are fueled by a desire to search for deeper meaning in a place rich with deep meaning.

Now there is a clear path and nothing stands in our way. Isaiah was right. When God plans, better get out of the way. Is He calling you? Do you hear Him or ignore Him?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Faith is blind? I think not.

There is so much that paves the road ahead, much of it, the miracles behind us - if we'll only open our eyes to what God has already done. Join us to seek a new perspective from ancient origins.

Go to$FILE/EOT%20Holy%20Land%20Study%20Guide.pdf to learn more about where we'll be going and what awaits us.

Then come back and give us your thoughts and prays at this blog site.

Blessings and Shalom,

Mark & Patti C.