Monday, November 7, 2011

Gather Together

11-7-11 Gather Together

In preparation for this entry, I’ve been praying about what to share with you relating to our preparations for our trip to Israel – what exciting things we plan to see, the studies we have been doing in preparation – and nothing seemed right. There wasn’t anything I could think of that we hadn’t already circulated.

Then it hit me while in a worship service yesterday. The Pastor of the congregation I was visiting mentioned that they have a group whose total function is to pray for Israel. What a concept! Here I’ve been trying to figure out Patti’s and my mission associated with our trip to the Holy Land and it’s been there in front of us the whole time! 

It’s not about what we will do when we set foot in Tel Aviv or even when we explore the wonders of the Wilderness, Jerusalem and beyond. It may or may not even be about what we do once we return from our trip. The purpose at hand, that I now believe the Spirit is pouring out, is to…

Listen and to Gather Together.

So this is me in ‘Gathering’ mode. I would ask you please to tell me…

            What personal prayers do you have that you would like to share with the people of Israel?
            What concerns would you share that we and the Jewish Nation can pray about together?
What questions would you seek to answer related to the country of Israel?
What more would you want to know of God’s plan related to the land and its people?
What more can Patti and I do to share your love and outreach to the people of Israel?

We may even be missing some questions so please pray about and respond to this blog – Our purpose is to be available; prior to; during; and after our journey to Israel: To serve as God would have us. We want to include you in that service – Gathering Together in prayer, wherever we are.  We pray also that the people of Israel will also Gather Together with us, sharing their own prayers and concerns, so that we can learn from them and create an opportunity to worship The Eternal together as God, through His Son Jesus, has shown us to do – in communion with one another.


Mark & Patti C.

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