Sunday, December 4, 2011

             Alpha and Omega

I realize that I’m such a tiny speck in the scheme time. Especially looking at all the great accomplishments of You, my God, through the ages…Creation; the calling of Abraham and his descendants, the plan for redemption, the offer of salvation for all of mankind, the triumph of Jesus over death on our behalf…It would take me a lifetime to list out the rest. But You get the point Lord, I am in awe of You and Your LONG term, LONG Suffering love for us. No wonder I feel small, You are so infinite. 
Yet as insignificant as I am, I sense that You are placing a moment of significance in my path.  Somewhere after the Alpha, and – as far as I can predict – before the Omega; my wife and I will be jetting to Israel. I’ve asked it before and I’ll puzzle it until answered – how can I possibly serve / submit to You in the land where the acts of service and submission were first and most beautifully portrayed?
I feel a bit like a first grader being elected to stand before a graduating High School class. What can I offer?
                …The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. Psalm 19:7
And as Martin Luther once said before (supposedly) greater minds than his,”…here I stand, I can do no other.”
                Oh no, Lord, I know this is not a trial, but a privilege, don’t get me wrong – yet You’ve wired me in such a way that I am always looking for purpose.  I know. I have to trust that it is Your purpose, not mine to be defined. That’s why I come back to the wonder and comfort of Your son, The Alpha and Omega, the Beginning of it all and The End of it all – the complete perfection of Your plan.
                Which means that my purpose is already defined by my testimony – I am saved and completed by The Alpha and The Omega – Jesus my Messiah: If all I’m to do is to mouth these words, confident that they come from a place buried deeply and permanently in my heart, then… Tetelestai – my purpose is completed.
                Yes, Lord, that’s the part of the puzzle You’ve not revealed – I can mouth those words and submit in that way, right here in Franklin, Tennessee – so why does my heart burn for Israel? You know and You will reveal.  I’m not the purpose of the plan, just a tool – works for me.  Patti and I travel willingly and hopefully to this place we have dreamed of for so long – not to experience it but to become a part of the experience – Your bigger picture for Your bride, the Church. Within Your Alpha and Your Omega, we will at some point know fully our purpose, just as we are fully known.  Until then: Faith, hope and Love…and Israel!

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