That which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you,
so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our
fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.
1 John 1:3

I shared with him again that Patti and I are getting ready for our two week journey to Israel (can it only be one week from today that we will be “wheels up”?). Our travels excite Schumann vicariously. He shares an adventure he once had, but he can’t quite recall where or when it occurred. The important part to him…and to me is that you, Jesus were there with him on his journey, as you will be with us.
“I know you can’t come with us,” I said with regret, “but are there any prayers you’d like to send with us? I can write them down for you and even stick them in the cracks of the Western Wall.”
“I’d like to depend on you to put my prayers into words,” Schumann shared. “It’s hard for me to do.”
I was not ready for that, Holy Spirit. Isn’t that Your job, to offer up prayer for us when we don’t know how or what to pray? I know I’m not worthy of that task, but how was I to explain this to Schumann?
“What if we pray together right now, then I’ll take that prayer with me as our shared offering?”
The old man smiled, “Oh yes.”
“Father God,” I began, “thank You for the presence of Your Spirit in this place. Thank you for Your love and that we can speak to You here, and even carry our prayers to You in the land You gave to Your people, Israel. Thank you that Schumann and I, no matter how our age may limit us sometimes, will always be Your children. We don’t understand why You love us so, why You sent Your son, Jesus to die for us. But You did. And now You, through Jesus, live in us. Schumann and I pray for those who still will not listen or seek You. We thank You, Spirit for our fellowship with each other and for our fellowship with You. Help us to share that with others. Give them ears to hear and eyes to see Your love through our lives. In the name of Jesus we pray all of this.”
With that, I told Schumann I would bring back pictures to share with him. And this centurion then took my hand and said something else that struck me in the deepest place. “He has done a good thing making you.”
I wonder sometimes if I am doing enough with what You have made in me, Creator. But You appear not to be done with the work, for today You blessed me in a way I didn’t think possible—by the simple words of an old forgetful man, who refuses to forget the love of You, his Maker. Let me never forget either, his example.
I know that taking these petitions to the Wall in Jerusalem does not somehow make the communication with You, God, any more holy. But by sharing in prayerful dialogue with others, You have given me a glimpse into their hearts and allowed me to share mine. You have allowed us a peek at the perfect Kingdom to come, fellowshipping with Your amazing and loving son as our King—who will share with us a millennium of moments like I just shared with Schumann.
Praise to You!
To All Y’all who might be reading this, Patti and I welcome you to share in this same fellowship. Please type out and email your prayers and we will carry them with us to share the journey in a unique way. But remember…”wheels up” in seven days!
PS Our GoFundMe webpage continues to be available for ministry contributions. Go to:
Mark C.
Please Mark & Patti, take my prayers to the Western Wall... for my sons to come to know and love Jesus as their Savior and Lord of their lives. I cannot bear the thought of them spending eternity in hell. And please also jot down this one....that I might become even closer to the Lord myself, i cant get close enough. Also some unspoken prayers. Thank you, may the Lord bless you and Patti beyond measure and keep you safe always. Love you both! Christy