Then they asked him, “What must we do to perform God’s works?”
Jesus answered them, “This is God’s work: to believe in the one whom he has sent.”
John 6:28-29
- and on it goes. I say to myself, How mundane, how ordinary. Am I really contributing? Is my effort of any real value?
We are at the Joseph Project, Lord. Of course you know that. It is you who has introduced us to this amazing organization of amazing people. These beautiful obedient ones not only offer food and clothing to indigent and needful people throughout Israel (of any ethnic and religious persuasion), but they also contribute with their own personal stories.

And that’s when you tap me on the spiritual shoulder, Lord. You remind me that this work is not about me. I’m just the vessel, not the precious contents. Whatever gift I think I bring, or high opinion I might have about myself, need to be left at the altar as confessions of arrogance. After all, coming here was your idea, Jesus, not mine.
I on the other hand will walk out the door at the end of the day to be about other things. Maybe I’ll return to serve again, maybe I won’t, You will determine it all, not me.
YHWH help me to continue to grow in the one way that always matters, by believing in the one whom You have sent to die for my selfish ways. I pray simply that, just as Jesus showed me how to do – when You request, I be available.
Mark C.
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