Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows
me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John_8:12

Five days ago we learned that Sam had to be hospitalized. Praise you that his health issues are being addressed by a wonderful group of medical professionals. Praise you that he is recuperating and that he is covered in prayers by many, many friends and family. And Yes Jesus, praise you above all else that he did not begin the journey to Israel and THEN begin to experience troubles. You are a God of perfect timing, even when we might not appreciate the balance of things to come.
I confess that Lord, the fact that so little time remained until we were “wheels up”, weighed heavy on my mind. This is a select group of very special travelers, any one of them could (and would be willingly capable) of coordinating the continuation. But how would all the pieces fit? Who would have the time to assemble all the information and contacts and keep all the balls smoothly juggled in mid-air?
Patti and I arrived at the hospital that night to encourage our friend and to honestly scope out if possibly his condition was less serious, hoping that a night in the hospital and an intravenous vitamin boost might just turn the tide. We hoped beyond hope that, when we walked in, Sam would be back to his old crusty self, ready to hop on the plane with a shrug and a chuckle about the circumstances that would dare interrupt such important work.
Instead, there he lay on a gurney, yes in good spirits, but no, not in any way shape or form looking even fit enough to sit up, must less hop anywhere. He saw me and smiled. The next words out of his mouth almost made me want to request an IV.
“Well Mark, this will be a baptism by fire for you, my friend; baptism by fire.”
Wait, what? Master, I’m sure you understood my confusion at the time. What had Sam meant? Why would the fire be under my feet? What was he talking about? Now things were happening quickly. The sick man was wheeled out to another location and we couldn’t follow to continue the conversation. My mind was reeling as we walked out of the hospital entrance with Sam’s daughter. I had never met her before and she introduced herself, then asked, “Are you Mark?”
I acknowledged and she continued, “My dad was talking all afternoon about you and how confident he is that you’re going to do fine, taking on the leading of this trip.”
Wait, what? Lead? I’ve never led a group to Israel. Sure, we’ve been to the land, sure we’ve developed great friendships and contacts, have studied the culture, even having fallen in love with the land and its people…your people. But to take on management of this scope, is it possible? Yes Lord, I know all things with you, are.

There was only one thing that still concerned me. It was the word people were using to describe my new function: Leader. I remember studying scripture concerning examples of leaders. Interestingly the word is seldom used in a complimentary way to describe even kings who honored you. Other words that you used to describe those who “do the Father’s will” did pop up: Servant; Follower; Disciple. The one that caught my attention most was Shepherd. You, Good Shepherd demonstrated the technique best – one who guides and encourages, protecting and correcting when necessary…still and always while seeking Abba Father’s will.
I can do that Lord. I can shepherd because you have taught me how.
Only one day away now, the real test begins. Am I ready to trust you? Will I let you shepherd me so that I can shepherd others? My fellow travelers have encouraged me, as have you Lord. I’m willing and place myself in your will. This is going to be an interesting ride. I trust you have even greater plans, maybe even other surprises planned ahead. I also trust, and I know my fellow travelers have expressed as well; we are confident you will not put us in situations where we are incapable of enduring. We recognize You as our true leader, the perfect shepherd to follow.
Mark C.
As i read your post, i began to get tears. Tears of utter joy and pride for you and Patti! I am somehow not surprised though. In my mind, you guys have always been leaders. Leaders for me and my kids to The Psalmist, leaders of our Lifegroup, leaders of many to Christ. Can you handle this??? You betcha!!!!! WOW!!!!! Only God could orchestrate such a thing! Love me some JESUS!!!!