Monday, September 5, 2011

Reclaiming The Land

Reclaiming the Land

Reading the prophet Jeremiah, I wonder at how the people of God could go so astray - worshiping other gods, bowing to other cultures. Even the kings of the Northern Kingdom and Judah forgot how they were brought to their great fortune. Could they not see how this would lead to their destruction? Couldn't they remember God's promise, that if they strayed from His path, their heritage would be given to others?

   And am I so different? I look at the great land in which I live - a land blessed by God and given to a people He honored because of their initial devotion to him. Look at us now. Not only are we not devoted to God, but we insist that His name cannot be mentioned, His commandments cannot be proclaimed or honored in the halls of our own government.

   I'm more anxious than ever, to visit the ancient land, to go back and see the place where God shaped and loved and offered redemption to a people undeserved. I want to experience His grace from the perspective of a place where God said a savior would be (and was) provided. A child born to be sacrificed and resurrected for a people who did not even understand their need for such a miracle.

   Maybe, just maybe, as I walk the holy land, I'll catch a vision for my own land which God has provided. Maybe, just maybe, we can all learn from the past, what God intends for our future, if only we will recognize our Savior and reclaim our love for a God who would offer so great a gift.

   Please pray with Patti and I, for a journey that will lead us all to a greater understanding of, and longing for God's love for His people and His land.

Blessings and Shalom,

Mark C.