Tuesday, February 28, 2012

2-28-2012 First to Last

“Now when those hired first came, they thought they would receive more, but each of them also received a               denarius.
Gathering at Chapel of the Primacy at the Sea of Galilee
And on receiving it they grumbled at the 
      master of the house, saying, 
      'These last worked only 
      one hour, and you have made 
      them equal to us who have borne 
      the burden of the day and 
      the scorching heat.'
But he replied to one of them, 'Friend, 
      I am doing you no wrong. Did you 
      not agree with me for a denarius?
Take what belongs to you and go. 
      I choose to give to this last worker 
     as I give to you. Am I not allowed 
     to do what I choose with what belongs to me? 
     Or do you begrudge my generosity?'
So the last will be first, and the first last."
Mat 20:10-16

Flag of Israel
Flag of Palistine
I thought I understood this passage pretty well Lord, until I saw it spoken out in an event we attended in Your Land.
While in Jerusalem, the group we traveled with was invited to an evening session where a Palestinian Christian and a Jewish Scholar presented their perceptions of the Palestinian/Jewish conflict. The men shared about the problems involved in allowing for both Jewish and Arab governmental autonomy and both positions were compelling. Each “side” argued that the other had been unfaithful to the cause of a two party state and both listed off their frustrations, claiming victim status due to the actions of the other.
Rabbinic Does and Don'ts of the Western Wall
There was a time offered at the end of the session for questions. I felt very anxious – even uncomfortable – in this audience of pastors and others Biblically trained. Certainly they understood the issue better than I, but no one was asking The Question. I couldn't stop myself from wanting to know – Your Spirit’s urging was just too strong and, before I knew what was happening, my hand was going up to ask The Question. What was The Question You put on my heart Lord?
“I hear you both explaining this conflict in political and social terms. I hear Jewish and Arab frustrations because of cultural differences, but more than that, I hear you speaking in undertones about a greater Spiritual conflict, yet you’ve not addressed that issue. Is the Israeli Palestinian problem just political or is it really rooted spiritually and are you seeking God’s will about the issue?”
Column Stones at Israel Museum
Strong Chaos in Hebrew-translated FIRE
I want to say both men looked uncomfortable or convicted by the question, but in truth, they did not. In fact, both answered by dismissing the spiritual aspect (that has to do with personal preferences after all) and persisted with the concept that this was primarily a political problem.
When that had been stated, many more hands went up in the room and suddenly the entire scope of the conversation changed. Now the pastors and others seemed as confused as I was. In the land that You, Ancient of Days, have dwelled and chose a people and walked with them – they were saying You weren’t a significant…excuse me…The Significant part of the equation?
Palm Tree framing moon outside Church of the Annunciation
The dialogue intensified and others asked compelling questions about how Jews, Muslims, Christians, Messianics (Natsarim) and other sects interacted spiritually and socially. Was there any movement toward understanding God’s plan? Was there a deeper discussion of faith going on anywhere besides this room?
Still there seemed to be a missing link and You again inspired me to ask, “How can we as Christ-Followers, who love this land, become involved in the conversation. How can we help in seeking solutions involving God with his people?
Their answer (both men agreed to the same) was even more disturbing to me. “There really is no effort to involve Christians in this issue, they are, after all, a minority.”
Checkpoint entering Israel from Palestinian Authority
In other words, there aren’t enough Christians to significantly make a difference, let us handle this.
Welcome to the Chapel of the Primacy
Is this why the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Essenes and all the others were so divided? They saw their rights in terms of percentages? Is that, Lord, one of the reasons You wept when You entered the city? Is this why we are so divided today, even within the faith of Christianity? Do You weep for us yet because we are not seeking unity in Your will?
Poinsettia at Bethesda
And as I relive this event, I have begun to wonder. When you, Jesus, were talking about the first being last and the last being first, were you distinguishing the nation of Israel from Gentiles (the established Jewish sects of the time having chosen not to recognize you as Messiah)? Were you lovingly pointing out how those you had chosen first had chosen their own will over The Creator’s desire?
Sculpture at Chapel of the Primacy
Could You also be speaking to us today; Evangelicals, Messianics, Jews, Muslims, Palestinians and all nations of the world, about how we “position” ourselves for personal gain instead of seeking, with all our hearts, soul and strength…You?
I can’t help thinking, Adonai, what a great opportunity You now allow us – to see how Your people have taken a spiritual issue and redefined it into a political/social conflict. Can we be turned again toward the light, Father in heaven?
Open the eyes of our hearts, Lord.

Mark C.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

2-19-2012 Dreaming Outside the Box

Acacia Tree in wadi by Dead Sea
      You shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the LORD your God and there is none else. And my people shall never again be put to shame.
      "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.
      Even on the male and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit.

Joel 2:27-29

Good morning, Ancient of Days. Thank You again for Your presence,

Overlooking Megiddo (site of Amageddon)
As You know, I had plans, but they've been interrupted. I was going to write a warm and fuzzy blog entry about some of the experiences of our extraordinary trip to Israel and relate it in some pithy way to life as I perceive it. That plan was not Your desire. Something has been bothering me... dreams. Large dreams - each and every night since returning. Dreams about Your land and about our travel group and about the journey itself and...on and on. The visions have not stopped - not that I want them to, but as much a dreamer as I have been, I've not EVER had this kind of experience before.

Abraham & Eleizar
at Genesis Land
I want to share the dreams, but they are not entirely clear - filled with historical Biblical sites and lines of people - encounters with some, confrontations with others. I'd like to reason that this is just my mind's way of processing the overwhelming amount of experience that has been recently crammed into my tiny brain. Perhaps, but there's more. Lord, the sense I get each morning, when awakening is of great longing and hope, yet with a peace that...oh, this is going to sound way too scriptural, I almost hesitate...that I can't understand. These are not just visions of places seen in Israel, but also of destinations not yet visited.

This is where it gets a little... creepy, Spirit of Light. I offhandedly mentioned the consistency of my dreams to Patti and she replied immediately, "Me too." She has been experiencing the same phenomena! OK, that may be explainable because we are "soul mates" and share a lot of the same tendencies. But then I received a Facebook message from one of our travel group members who, unprovoked, also noted that he has been having constant dreams about our trip.

Bedouin & Friend
Church Dome at Jacob's Well
Joseph had to interpret for Pharaoh and Daniel for Nebuchadnezzar, Pilot's wife was given a message in the same way and You Yourself said in Numbers that You would make Yourself known in dreams. Are You trying to tell me/us something, Adonai? Am I personally just too dense to properly tune in to Your message? I don't want to miss it!

Jerusalem Alley
Mount Hermon
And a thought has occurred to me. How many others? Are there more of those from the trip who are  traveling in the night? At the risk of turning my attention from You in this conversation, Master, I'd like to ask of those following along - both those who journeyed physically and those who walked with us in prayer - are you dreaming? Are you seeing or hearing in ways that maybe are new to you or that you are reluctant to share because...you thought it was only you?

Path to Sea of Galilee near Mt. of the Beatitudes
Is this a beginning? A calling? Is it just an individual prodding or are You, the One who put definition to the word Exodus, preparing yet another venture for a multitude? Should we be keeping our wicks and oil ready for something yet unknown?

I'll be anxiously waiting for answers from my brothers and sisters, and from You, Creator. Meanwhile, I live and dream for You, my God.

Mark C.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

2-10-12 Open Up Ye Gates

Capernaum Gate

I’m glad, Lord, that You prepared me for this completion of our Israel journey in Your typical manner – overlaying on the canvas of life, picture upon picture. The entry into the Promised Land, a scant ten days ago – full of anticipation and excitement; the unveiling of wonders unexpected and the revealing of truths both great and sometimes painful; the beauty of the Galilee followed by the confusion, hope, suffering  and ultimate triumph of Your entry into Jerusalem.

I’m on the plane jetting back to my home, but remembering at the moment, the Garden tomb – Gordon’s Calvary to be exact – one of several places considered likely to be “The Site” where You were crucified for my sins, buried and where You  turned Spiritual history upside down by defeating death for all who seek You.

This has helped me prepare to leave Your Holy Land although VERY RELUCTANTLY. The same sadness I felt leaving the shore of the northern sea, now helps me deal with my regret at flying away. I know greater things lay ahead, it’s just that I can’t see the path necessary to get there, and I don’t know exactly what You would have me do as I walk, climb and tumble along. But if I did, what would be the need for my faith?

Garden Tomb by Skull Hill
Oh yes, back at the tomb, Master. We shared communion: Patti, me and our newfound brothers and sisters. Words were spoken, Your body broken, the blood poured out – Remember this always for You. Shema – I remember what You have done, what You are doing. Shema – I will follow.

Door inside Garden Tomb
The trick as I see it, Lord, is not just remembering, but not forgetting. Not forgetting that, before this trip, I was NOT changed as I have been by Your land and its people. Not forgetting that my friends, family and acquaintances will NOT quite understand (as I did NOT quite understand) what the change would involve.  Not forgetting to live as changed believer who now does understand a little more Your words, “Many are invited, but few are chosen” – not a claim of predestined membership, but an admission that I have chosen to live changed and to submit to more change as You direct me.

Mark & Patti at Caesarea Maritima
Thanks and praise to You, Adonai for this chance to experience Israel first hand. Thanks and praise for all the pictures set firmly in my heart. Help me (You know I’ll need help!) to hear (Shema), to remember (Zakhar), and to know (Yadah) so that my faith (Emunah) will continue to grow through my life. With these thoughts, I believe I’m ready to arrive in a new holy land that awaits me, right in my own home and in the place I walk, drive, work and experience daily.

Sea of Galilee by Mt. of the Beatitudes
Lord, I’ll continue to reflect on the time spent in Your Land. Please help me to share it with others in a way that makes Your Land and their land come alive as it has for me - not because of our pleasure, but for Yours.


Mark C.

2-9-2012 Masada!

Masada Entry
Mike, our tour guide, approached me in Welcome Center of the site we were preparing to tour. I thought maybe I had committed some unknown cultural faux pas and he was going to correct me in his diplomatically warm way.
“Skip has requested to climb up, rather than take the tram. Petey is going with him and if you want to…”

“…Yes!” I almost shouted, not even pausing to consider the challenges that were going to present themselves. This was one of those opportunity moments that most likely come once in a lifetime and I couldn’t refuse. My “spiritual senses” were buzzing – I stilled myself with a prayer, listening for any indication that I should turn back. I had no doubt You were behind this, Lord, nonetheless, I wanted to seek Your blessing. Peace was my signal for a “go” with the mission. Off I ran to catch up with my newfound friends who were as eager as I to climb from base to summit, the mountain, in the Southern Judean wilderness, known as Masada.

Petey and Skip
Skip led the charge up the mountain…or should I say around the mountain. The pathway was very rocky and wound through amazing terrain, but it was not “up”. Soon we ran into another set of obstacles, a group of high school youth, also making the trek – they, apparently being less excited about the venture, were plodding along far to slowly for our trio. We skirted and dodged through the class, excusing ourselves politely as we hiked ahead. Well this can’t be too difficult, I thought as we continued to wind sideways. Hmm – when do things change?

Judean Wilderness in the direction of the Dead Sea
Careful what you pray for? Did I hear You speak that into my heart, Lord? Change is what You are always working on in me. I should know better!

The beginning of the Snake Path to Masada
And indeed – the path East took a sudden and sharp North. I watched Skip, ahead, starting to ascend and our nice rocky road became a goat trail – winding through crags and crevices, jutting left to right at impossible angels. Petey was behind me and I decided this was a good moment to turn back and take a picture. Beyond Petey, was a picture of vast desolation stretching from the jagged desert below us and out beyond to the Dead Sea. How, Adonai, could anyone survive out here long term, much less build a palace fortress as Herod did, or any kind of productive life for that matter? Yet many did and do.

I wanted to tell Petey not to look down, but thought, who am I – one is looking down – to make that suggestion? Skip on the other hand was still setting a grueling pace and I had to focus all my attention and energy on maneuvering the narrow way. I again looked below toward the Welcome Center (odd name, I was now thinking) and saw the group of teens following our example. Who would let their children take such risks, Lord? Who indeed.

Petey on the Snake Path
Now sweat was soaking my shirt and the path seemed to be getting even steeper – was this the right path? Was it even a path at all? Had Skip taken a wrong turn? We seemed to be headed up another mountainside, away from Masada, not toward it. The Exodus from Egypt came to mind – no wonder Your people questioned Moses. Skip was not currently on my “A” list.
Skip and Petey...lost?

I turned to make sure Petey was OK and realized, at a turn a little ways back, I had stopped for another snapshot and Petey had passed me. I was last! Something in me churned, Lord. Pride? I didn’t like being last. Something You are obviously still working on in me.

Regardless of positions, we all had a ways to go and as I measured in my mind, what I saw ahead of me, a strange thought came to my mind. “Don’t look up.” Did that come from You or from Satan, Master?

Masada aquifer caves viewed from Snake Path 
I turned and looked down once more and was astounded at the view – not only the natural chaos of the terrain, but to my left were cistern caves carved into the sheer cliff walls of Masada itself. How did the “first ones” do this?

Mark confirming the way
Finally, I heard Skip cheer. The trail above apparently was leveling off and turning to converge with Masada. We were nearing the completion of scaling the 1300 foot fortress sanctuary where, in 70 AD, a group of Jewish zealots held off the Roman army for 3 years. Incredibly, the Romans laid siege by building a dirt ramp up the side of the mountain, using slaves to accomplish the task. All at once, I was humiliated. How cruel and unbending we can be in our determination.

The straight and narrow path to Masada
Yet, another equally determined group climbed this mount without the aid of a marked path, bringing with them, wives, children and the outcast, to then make a  proclamation of their faith by sacrificing themselves instead of submitting to foreign gods. Am I that faithful to You?

From the top overlooking where Mark, Skip and Petey trekked
As for the rest of our journey to Masada, someone had gone to the effort of building a concrete stairway to ease our remaining steps to the summit. As my companions and I made our way up to join our group, we talked about our families and our appreciation for our wives (who most likely wouldn’t appreciate what we had just done). My mind, however, was still behind – making the trek up and realizing along the way, the significance of this moment. Far below, I could just make out the twisted path, now snaked with teenagers in their own struggle to ascend. What would they find when they arrived? No doubt their discoveries would differ individually from my own. We each learn from You according to different paths.

Patti and crew at the top of Masada
What had I leaned along the way? That others before me had achieved great things to allow me this moment? That You, God, are the Creator of all – both nature and man – and that it is only by Your grace that we can accomplish anything? The later, I think.
As I look both down and up from where I am, I try to set aside my pride and submit, Jehovah – Your son led the way by his own suffering path and victory of ascent.
Lead, Lord, and I will follow.

2-8-2012 It Is Good!

Wailing Wall

"It is good that you are here!" He exclaimed with real joy in his voice. He grabbed my hand in his and held it tightly. "Are you Jewish?"

"No," I averted, sensing that a more detailed explanation – how we followers of Jesus believe we are grafted into the Jewish family – might take us down a complicated path that You, Lord were not encouraging at the moment.

Within the tunnel of the Western Wall
The Moment, as You know, Lord, was in the tunnel beneath the Western Wall of the Old Jerusalem Temple. It is the only remaining wall of Herod's Temple and stands as a testimony of hope for a new Temple to come. I am confused and overwhelmed at the same time, taking in the images-come-alive before me. I am privileged to enter under the tunnel of the wall that had once been a separate lower entrance into the Holy of Holies. I am out of place here and yet invited by You to be here. I was about to leave because, well, I had placed my prayer offerings into the wall and had observed over fifty Hasidics, waving and bobbing and silently wailing (It's possible I tell You, I've witnessed it) in the beautifully intimate confines of this place. I thought it was time to be going. You said "No" to me and You were not worried about explanations.

"Will you give to the poor?" You spoke through the mouth of this little man dressed in black with a traditional yarmulke covering his grey hair.

"Of course," I reached into my pocket to supply Your people's needs and words came out of my mouth which were not mine. "You and I are in this place for the same reason." Apparently, You wanted to reach out to this Rabbi as well as to me.

Prayers at the Wailing Wall
"Yes!" Short in stature, but bubbling with spiritual wisdom, the Hasidic Rabbi who had so boldly approached me nodded and replied. The peace of all people with be here!"

I was so moved by his simple and fantastically true answer that I couldn't keep the next tease from tumbling off my tongue. "There is another reason".

"Oh?" Curiosity played as a smile and a quirked an eyebrow on the face of this sweet man.

"Messiah!" I smiled and whispered to him. Lord, I can honestly say, I have not seen a glow on a person as brilliant as his, after the words were spoken. But then he smiled at me with all his radiance, bent to the my hand which he still held and kissed it. "Oh Yes," he replied with tears. And I know I too was shining with the power of this moment when You joined us in brotherhood.

"What is your name," I asked?

"Aaron," he said.
Wailing Wall companionship
"I'm Mark." I replied. There wasn't anything else that needed to be explained between us. His first words came back to my mind. "It is good that you are here." It is good that we were both there and I wanted to build a booth to dwell in this perfect moment. You, Lord, again said, "No," but with love. I suspect You wanted to dwell there with us too, but Your Spirit spoke into our hearts, knowing we needed to go out and teach all nations.

"Shalom!" Aaron finally said, kissed my hand again and, as suddenly as the encounter had begun, it was past. My new friend had other tasks and went off to them with the same vigor with which he had approached me.
Mark at the Wailing Wall

Jesus my savior, somehow, some way, I know beyond a doubt, that Aaron and I will me meet again. It will be not at the base of this wall, but at the throne it supports. He and I will again greet each other with a kiss and then bow before You with a joy even beyond what both of us experienced this day.

Amen, Amen

Mark C.

2-7-2012 Jerusalem, Jerusalem

Dome of St Katherine over Old Jerusalem
I'm not sure how to take this all in Lord. The city is beautiful, the geography amazing. The sites, the smells, the sounds - even saying, "it's beyond my dreams" doesn't do it justice.

Dome in the Church of Gethsemane
Mark and Patti at the Eastern Gate
So why am I having problems letting go of yesterday - our last day in Galilee? Why am I of two minds, longing for more time to witness the land where You lived and ministered, vs. this place that crucified You? Yes, I know, there is the resurrection and certainly I'm longing to experience the empty tomb (still on the agenda), but there's (dare I say it...) a taint on this place.

I love what I'm seeing, I'm amazed at the history, yet...I find myself unsettled. Jeruselum is more of a mosaleum than a city of light. Is that why You wept for this place? Is my spirit doing the same?

I have to turn the page...give me wisdom, Teacher...

...Oh yes, I remember. There will be a NEW Jerusalem! Of couse. Even the City on the Hill needs to be reborn by Your love. And it will be so. That I can live with. That I can handle and so, marvel at what has, and will take place here.
A Floral Moment

Hosanna Messiah.

Mark C.

2-6-2012 Awespiration

Heart Shaped Rock at the Sea of Galilee
Master, I think I have to be careful, describing this day and these events in a conversation share not only with You, but with others who have not touched this land. I remember how the geography and political/social issues of those "Biblical" days made no sense to me as I only had a Western point of reference.

All that's changed of course, but now Your are inspiring me...Awespiring is a better term...to find new ways to describe how the land and the people of Your earthly walk are critically connected to us today. It stands to reason after all. I didn't (until now) realize that the ancient town of Tiberias (located right on the shores of The Sea of Galilee) was famous in Your time, for mineral waters that supposedly had healing powers. People came from all over the ancient world to seek their benefits – Light-bulb moment - NO WONDER, there were so many sick people for You to heal in that three year period!
Tiberius on the Sea of Galilee

And now I've just gotten the picture in my head (having visited today) how significant a town Capernaum was. I always pictured it as a tiny burg with fishing nets strung all around - but it was a large town with influence. You lived and associated there - what a place to begin Your ministry.

Of course being here also raises more questions, such as what else You discussed with Your followers while walking the long distances between towns You were know to visit?  Is it like Your talks with me in prayer? I confess I'm a little envious of the "personal time" You put in with these folks. Then again, what's stopping those same personal moments between You and me now? Could I be the one getting in the way? Am I too lazy or too distracted by other things I "need" to do?
Boat Dock on Eastern Shore of Sea of Galilee

Maybe I need a little fishing time with You, time when You can speak to me captively and I have now other options. I pray for that Lord, and yes, I know it's a downright dangerous prayer.

Well, there will be plenty of time in the next few weeks. We have left the Galilee (weeping) and are now in thick of things, right in the heart of Jerusalem. Teacher, I am ready to focus and be consumed by the wonder of Your plan. Help me to be a light to others that they too can be changed by this journey You have gifted to me.
Mark and Patti on the shore at Chapel of the Primacy 
Let me be capable,

Mark C.

2-5-2012 The Perfect Blog Site

2-5-2012 The Perfect Blog Site
Sunset on the Sea of Galilee

I just need a moment, Messiah, to get my feeble brain wrapped around this moment... I am sitting in a chair, in the green grass, hardly a sound invading. I am typing on a laptop...on the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee just before sunset. Surely this must be a dream. It cannot possibly be reality. 
Sunset continues on the Sea of Galille

But it sure feels real. I can smell the water on the breeze. I am surrounded by the hills. In the distance, across the shore, I see modern day Tiberious. A little to the north, there it is, Chorazin. A small boat goes by - is that You and Your first disciples? Waves gently lap the image to shore. I can't really be here
Sunset fades on the Sea of Galilee

Yet I am! By Your divine providence, I have come to this place. Not only that, this morning You brought me and Patti to the actual site of Chorazin and we experienced the ancient village ruins with it's beautiful synagogue and insulas. But most of all, we took in the spiritual moment - reading passages from Matthew 23 and 15, absorbing your instruction about how to follow You, not the world. Did I mention I read these words on the very sight where You instructed in person...overlooking the Sea of Galilee?
Synagoge at Korazim

It's a good thing I'm sitting down. Give me strength not to be overwhelmed by this, Rabbi. Did I mention the birds, the cricket song and frogs, the glittering of the sunlight on the water and the textures of the rustling trees? Even the insects are right and the rushes on the shore are swaying their evening dance. And the rocks by the shore...I actually think I can hear them crying out to You...or maybe that's my spirit. Yes, the latter. What an altar You have prepared for me to worship at. Did I mention this is Jewish Sabbath today? Keep me strong, keep me strong...

   I lift my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from?

...from the same God who also showed us the Mount of the Beatitudes where You explained what blessings truly are and how they are to be given in love to others, not just held as some selfish treasure. Caesarea Phillipi today, where You, Lord, once took Your disciples and pointed to the rock face where other cultures had carved elaborate idol representations surrounding the water cave that, at the time, was known as the Gates of Hades/Hell. You reminded me today of Your perfect plan to build Your church, Your people, from the ruins of pagan worship converting/convicting anyone who did not believe - who were dead - to those who will now live forever with You in eternity.
Gardens at Church of the Beatitudes

Did I mention that not only the sun has set, but the moon is now rising? Did I mention that I noticed my new friend, Wanda sitting on the beach and that we shared a prayer? She ministered to me as You would have, reminding me, that as much as we both want to never give up this moment of perfection, that You set the example by walking out of this beautiful place, up to Caesarea Phillipi, eventually to Jerusalem and to Your fate on the cross on our behalf.

And so now I understand Lord. I get this one. You have given me a great gift on these shores, I love this place as You would have, even to the point of getting up and leaving this perfect blog site and going where You would have me go. I must not get wrapped up in the world - even this part of it where You lived. I must learn to wrap the world up in You, loving You as You have loved me.

Thank You for sharing Your earthly life as a preview to a paradise to come.

I am Yours,
Mark C.