Friday, June 1, 2012

6-1-2012 Connecting with Andrew

Olive wood carving of the last supper
Do not labor for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you. For on him God the Father has set his seal."
Then they said to him, "What must we do, to be doing the works of God?"  
Jesus answered them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent."
Joh 6:27-29

Tiles at the church of Jacob's Well
Lord, your disciple Andrew keeps popping up, over and over in my scripture study. It was Andrew who had sought out and become a disciple of John the Baptist (John 1:35-40). Andrew encountered you, Yeshua, through John and insisted to his brother Simon Peter, that, “we have found the Messiah.” (John 1:41). It was Andrew who knew of a boy, within the great crowd following you, who had two fish and five loaves of bread (John 6:8-9). Even though Phillip had learned about the Greeks seeking out Jesus, he took that information to Andrew who then, with Phillip, made the introduction to you, his Rabbonai (John 12:20-22).
Mt. Gerizim
These were not the only scriptures in which Andrew is mentioned and, after witnessing your ascension, history records him as a significant evangelist, traveling as far as modern day Russia to share the Gospel, finally according to tradition, to be martyred in Greece.
Could it have been Andrew who said, “I know of a house in Capernaum (his, in fact) where you can stay”? Could it have been Andrew who knew of the whereabouts of a donkey and of a certain house with an upper room in Jerusalem? Was this man your “networker” while you walked the earth? As I read the scriptures, I don’t find anyone else described with these skills and yet this man’s specific abilities are repeatedly and deliberately mentioned. There must be a reason.
Eastern shore - Sea of Galilee
And then, there are the things I don’t see mentioned about Andrew. There is no evidence of his ever seeking credit or recognition for his accomplishments. There are no complaints from him about his doing all that “connecting”, but you, Jesus receiving the recognition. This appeared to be a humble servant – doing what he did naturally, and offering all of it to You.
Adonai, in retrospect, I see that you have put me in contact with so many people and resources. I wondered for a long time why I’ve had such a wide array of vocations and locations. Now I believe it was Your way of preparing me as a connector like Andrew.
Friends making friends in Jericho
Honestly, Ancient of Days, I have to confess I know others who are better at connecting than I am. I’ve seen them in action. Many of these I‘ve observed in church or ministry settings. I’m actually humbled (maybe even intimidated?) by the more highly connected people and resources they know. It temps me to dwell more on who and what I don’t know rather than on how to serve as Andrew served. You remind me, my job is not to understand what my net catches – just that I am to cast.
Scripture study by the Sea of Galilee
Mark & Patti at Ein Gedi
Emmanuel, I appreciate this gift, but I struggle because the curiosity seeker in me wants to see where the connections I put together will ultimately lead. Then again, what if Andrew had known that he was facilitating, even indirectly, in connecting you to the crucifixion moment? Would he have tried to alter his plans in ignorance of your destiny? No; it’s better that I just obey –  anticipating Your grander scheme is just way too dangerous.
Thank You for the example of Andrew. Help me, God, to be satisfied with the work You created for me to do. Help me to not try to redefine my destiny, but to accept and trust Your perfect design. Thank You, Father for Your desire to be connected with me, and with all those who believe. Praise You for The One You sent to connect us with You – Yeshua, Your son.

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