Saturday, February 11, 2012

2-8-2012 It Is Good!

Wailing Wall

"It is good that you are here!" He exclaimed with real joy in his voice. He grabbed my hand in his and held it tightly. "Are you Jewish?"

"No," I averted, sensing that a more detailed explanation – how we followers of Jesus believe we are grafted into the Jewish family – might take us down a complicated path that You, Lord were not encouraging at the moment.

Within the tunnel of the Western Wall
The Moment, as You know, Lord, was in the tunnel beneath the Western Wall of the Old Jerusalem Temple. It is the only remaining wall of Herod's Temple and stands as a testimony of hope for a new Temple to come. I am confused and overwhelmed at the same time, taking in the images-come-alive before me. I am privileged to enter under the tunnel of the wall that had once been a separate lower entrance into the Holy of Holies. I am out of place here and yet invited by You to be here. I was about to leave because, well, I had placed my prayer offerings into the wall and had observed over fifty Hasidics, waving and bobbing and silently wailing (It's possible I tell You, I've witnessed it) in the beautifully intimate confines of this place. I thought it was time to be going. You said "No" to me and You were not worried about explanations.

"Will you give to the poor?" You spoke through the mouth of this little man dressed in black with a traditional yarmulke covering his grey hair.

"Of course," I reached into my pocket to supply Your people's needs and words came out of my mouth which were not mine. "You and I are in this place for the same reason." Apparently, You wanted to reach out to this Rabbi as well as to me.

Prayers at the Wailing Wall
"Yes!" Short in stature, but bubbling with spiritual wisdom, the Hasidic Rabbi who had so boldly approached me nodded and replied. The peace of all people with be here!"

I was so moved by his simple and fantastically true answer that I couldn't keep the next tease from tumbling off my tongue. "There is another reason".

"Oh?" Curiosity played as a smile and a quirked an eyebrow on the face of this sweet man.

"Messiah!" I smiled and whispered to him. Lord, I can honestly say, I have not seen a glow on a person as brilliant as his, after the words were spoken. But then he smiled at me with all his radiance, bent to the my hand which he still held and kissed it. "Oh Yes," he replied with tears. And I know I too was shining with the power of this moment when You joined us in brotherhood.

"What is your name," I asked?

"Aaron," he said.
Wailing Wall companionship
"I'm Mark." I replied. There wasn't anything else that needed to be explained between us. His first words came back to my mind. "It is good that you are here." It is good that we were both there and I wanted to build a booth to dwell in this perfect moment. You, Lord, again said, "No," but with love. I suspect You wanted to dwell there with us too, but Your Spirit spoke into our hearts, knowing we needed to go out and teach all nations.

"Shalom!" Aaron finally said, kissed my hand again and, as suddenly as the encounter had begun, it was past. My new friend had other tasks and went off to them with the same vigor with which he had approached me.
Mark at the Wailing Wall

Jesus my savior, somehow, some way, I know beyond a doubt, that Aaron and I will me meet again. It will be not at the base of this wall, but at the throne it supports. He and I will again greet each other with a kiss and then bow before You with a joy even beyond what both of us experienced this day.

Amen, Amen

Mark C.

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